
I’ve heard some young parents in my extended family recently say they’d change their kid right on the table if the restaurant didn’t have a good changing station, like it’s a protest. The type of restaurant didn’t matter. Excellent changing setup or bare baby butt right on the table. 

Oops! Sorry about that. Misery loves company, I guess?

Mannequins. I was convinced that people who stayed in stores after closing became mannequins. This evolved into thinking they came back to life at night to tidy, so I was certain that all mannequins were trapped souls. This fear made the headless or otherwise amputated mannequins particularly gruesome.

I have a similar story about chronic rule-following! When I was in kindergarten, I was feeling terribly sick during story time on the rug in front of the teacher’s rocking chair. As instructed, I raised my hand to request permission to go to the bathroom. The teacher saw my hand and told me to wait until after the

I had one of these, too! During our after-school program (which was just some high schoolers making sure we didn’t die or wander off in the school gym), I watched everyone’s Tamagotchis and GigaPets for a small fee. I would read quietly in the corner in between caring for them.

I had been dating this boy for a while, and I really liked him. We were both in band, and he was funny and sarcastic. Thinking back, I can’t really recall why I was so into him, but I very much was.

Last year I went to my biological father’s house for Thanksgiving for the first time in nearly three decades, and you would think that I had launched a full-blown personal attack on her. If I were to spend a Christmas with him and my half-siblings, I imagine she would also riot. She was very unhappy last year when I

I have expressly requested cash instead of random presents I may or may not use, and every year I am met with incredulity. I recently moved from a four bedroom house to a two bedroom apartment, and I do not need more stuff. Frankly, I can’t fit any more stuff. I asked for cash or gift cards instead of things; once

Those comments are ridiculous yet completely predictable. When I was in high school, I had a friend who took an automotive technology course at the local technical college (it was a half day program through our school). She was at the top of her class, so she was invited to go to a national competition. She ranked in

When I was in my late 20s, I volunteered with a dance group as a technical coach. One day they all turned to me about some issue, and I realized that I was the adult in the room. I was the adult!

I keep having this conversation with my mother. I’ve told her that I’m pescetarian, and last night she asked, “oh, right, so what are you going to eat at Christmas?” which is an appetizer-only gathering that she prepares entirely herself and has full control over the menu. Well, Mom, you could make something that I’ll

I love this! My husband and I are currently long-distance because of my work, and we use various apps to communicate and feel closer. I can see two huge advantages of this app.

I’m a West Virginian, and I have no trouble believing we’re at the bottom of the list of averages. Between poverty and food deserts, it can be incredibly difficult to obtain fruits and veggies. I honestly cannot remember eating a single salad as a child. I remember getting a salad at McDonald’s in my freshman year of

I am so annoyed by arts and crafts fairs that are largely these MLM shops. I went to a local festival last year, and they dedicated an entire building to these types of shops. I realize they don’t always have another way to sell, but it’s irritating because it’s possible that people might spend that money on a local

I’ve wanted to try aerial yoga for months now but thought I was too big. After reading this, I looked it up and read that most of the hammocks have a weight limit of 300 pounds! I might call a studio to get started, now that I won’t fear the hammock will come crashing down from the ceiling. Great series!

I would add that it’s also important to talk with your instructor before class if you’re plus size and the class isn’t a “curvy” yoga session. I saw an instructor correcting everyone around me and saying nothing to me. It took me two or three sessions before I realized that she was, for some reason, hesitant to

I was stunned when I went to my first Curvy Yoga class and the instructor spoke like a human. She even made a few jokes to put the class at ease. A lot of people like the dulcet robot tone and associate it with relaxation, but I find it just plain dull.

I work for a university’s satellite campus, and our history adjunct sometimes started class with one of these videos. She and the students loved them, and it gave a break from the typical lecture and discussion format.

I prefer the teaching model where students are expected to read the material first so that we can spend the class time on meatier and more engaging activities, like discussions. Basically, if a teacher or professor doesn’t have to waste time lecturing on things that are in the text, we can skip to the assessment

Buying the tickets struck me as odd, as well. I have some friends (more than acquaintance, less than regular bosom buddy) with whom I will not plan more than one or two weeks in advance. I recognize that we don’t prioritize the friendship highly, but it’s always fun to hang out once in a blue moon. There are only a