
It okay! Don’t be cry!

I saw where the governor is saying something like “we can rebuild your homes but we can’t replace you.” While this is entirely true, I imagine a lot of people in poverty won’t be able to afford to rebuild.

White supremacy bros and their wives. I know an unfortunate number of women who voted the same way as their husbands because they get their news via Fox, the Facebook echo chamber, and their vocal spouses.

I recently read a blog post about a mom who told that riddle to her son and was so proud that he answered “his other dad.” While I understand why she would feel pleased that her son is so open-minded as to consider having two dads commonplace (without judgment), I find it mildly disturbing that her son would leap to

I’ve found that many of the people who believe this nonsense forever are definitely paranoid. Much of the time, if someone retracts a statement or says “oops, this wasn’t a real story,” the supporters insist that someone (the government? I don’t know) “got to them.” I wish my spring flowers would take root as strongly

Yes! I’m coaching some girls on a winter guard team (indoor, dance-heavy flag corps), and they kept asking what they should feel and act during the performance. I finally sat everyone down and read them the song like a poem, and one girl said, “That can’t be the same song!” They’ve been listening to the same lyrics ad

I don’t believe I’ve ever agreed with an article more than I do with this one. They absolutely have to include this song. It’s pivotal!

I feel that people who are trying to use yoga as cardio are missing the point. Yoga is meant for strength, flexibility, posture, and a load of other wellness measure that are important. However, it’s not really meant to be a cardio exercise, and trying to make it one takes away from the other benefits.

I love Yoga with Adriene! I’ve recently started the 30 Day Challenge, and it has been exhausting but gratifying. I love her style because she’s approachable and reassures viewers that it’s okay to be a different level. She normally builds variations into her videos so that new practitioners aren’t pushing too hard to

I would guess it’s because there isn’t a significant black population at the school, so there was no real consideration of how this might be perceived or that it might be a terrible idea. According to Great Schools, only 1% of the student population is black. These are the kinds of ideas you get when the students (and

This. My parents filed bankruptcy while I was in high school, and my mother still (over a decade later) has credit cards that she secrets away from my dad. Neither of them attempted to teach me financial literacy, which in retrospect is probably a good thing.

I must disagree. Most children understand distraction tactics in hopes of getting themselves out of trouble. You don’t need to be politically savvy to engage in misdirection.

I love that so many libraries around the country now have systems so that you can download eBooks to your reader of choice. It could be such a boon to people who don’t have a close local library or who aren’t able to easily leave home (like some groups of the elderly or disabled). My cousin stopped borrowing books

I use Memrise, and it’s great. It has dozens of languages, and there are “courses” so that you gradually go deeper into the language. My favorite feature is that you can build mnemonic devices for yourself in the app as a nudge if you forget a word or phrase.

I don’t necessarily think it’s a lie. For some people, sure, but not all. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed or super stressed at work and it truly is because I’m passionate and want to succeed.

You know, people say that about stock photos, too, but I’m a woman laughing at my salad right now. Totally realistic situation!

You know, people say that about stock photos, too, but I’m a woman laughing at my salad right now. Totally realistic

Those heels are only two and a half or three inches, so they are certainly work appropriate. They look higher because of the angle of her foot. That said, I wouldn’t wear heels on a treadmill because it would be an awkward and probably uncomfortable angle, as perfectly demonstrated in the picture.

Those heels are only two and a half or three inches, so they are certainly work appropriate. They look higher

My go-to response for “Oh I’d love to read all day!” is “So would I, if I could!”

Middle America would never believe that librarians have advanced degrees, judging by how often I have to explain that to my patrons in my home state of WV.

Please do! I’m happy to spread the Good Word about information literacy.