
Cheques gave me such life. You think it would have packed the same dramatic punch on The Young and the Restless 25 years ago if Jill Abbott would have Venmo'd her husband's mistress and housekeeper $100,000 to leave Genoa City? I THINK NOT.

I ran away to sea. Well, sorta. One summer when I was about four or five my mum took me and my dinghy down to the shore. Now, for me now this would be a brief afternoon diversion, at four this is a MASSIVE CHUNK of your life during which you make bosum buddies you will never see again and have MANY adventures.

When I was really little (and apparently a shitty kid), my mom took me shopping and we were standing in line at a small bakery. When my mom had ordered and paid, she told me we were leaving and for some reason this was unacceptable to me. Instead of throwing a normal temper tantrum, out of nowhere I threw my body to

My mom said I used to run up to strangers and say “help me” when we were in public. I have dark brown hair, olive skin, and green eyes. She has red hair and fair skin, blue eyes. I knew exactly what I was doing. I was terrible. LOL 

I only remember being spanked once. We had moved into a new house and I found a box on the side with all these switches, and I just stood there flipping them back and forth until my parents came running out the side door.

As a 3 year old, on a long distance international flight (we’re talking almost 24 hours) I not only didn’t sleep, but demanded my mother sing ‘Old MacDonald had a farm’ essentially non-stop. And not only that, but any and every time she repeated an animal, I objected loudly and obnoxiously.

I was once addicted to Rx drugs and this is ALMOST the worst thing I did during that time. I had decided I was sick of myself so went cold turkey off benzos. I then took my 14 yr-old niece on a trip to the zoo because I was trying to be a decent person again. I woke up in an ambulance after a seizure with my poor

You’re not gonna choose this cause it’s too dark, but definitely fist fights with dear old dad. (Don’t beat your kids and they won’t start hitting you back around age 12, 13.)

I once punched my mom in the face in the grocery store in front of half a dozen horrified onlookers, I was 15. 

When I was about 6ish/ 7 ( I am an old) I was allowed to take my birthday money and go to the college record store to buy a record. The college kids kind of steered me to a record with a picture of Queen Elizabeth on the cover instead of the Little Red Hen, and I liked the tiara so I unknowingly bought a Sex Pistols

I grew up in a two family house. A young couple lived on the first floor and mine lived on the second. One day the wife came up to have coffee with my mother. I told the wife that my mom laid on the floor to hear the couple’s fights better.

I was 8 years old, and my family and I were driving to Niagara Falls in Canada for a nice long weekend trip. My sister and I were sleeping in the backseat when we got to the border, and my parents woke us up so that it didn’t look like they were smuggling 2 children under the blankets. I was pissed to be awoken from my

Your comment reminded me of this adorable comic:

Yeah, it’s great he likes it, but...why does he like it? What works well about the composition? What doesn’t? I’m not surprised the girl cried—This isn’t useful critique.

I liked how the moment Giannis stands up, all the normal-sized humans around him kinda back off like he’d just tapped on the glass of their fish tank.

It’s this sort of thing that makes me reconsider the notion that the world needs to be purged by fire. I still think it should, but stuff like this gives me momentary pause.

That hospital is making sure this woman doesn’t sue them for some mystery illness she complained about later on.

I was surprised that this was even an issue. People really do that? So weird.

Ummmm Brian, Do I hear the voice of experience in that last point in the section on shoes. That final “Repeatedly”seemed heartfelt.

I wish bowing would overtake handshakes here in heathen America. Never been a fan of the handshake game.