
I have a legitimate question. Are people forced to be outraged at every slight, imagined or otherwise? Like, are they incapable of looking at other photos to really learn the facts? I’m seeing a lot of intelligent, otherwise well-meaning people just taking a shit all over someone because they think she racist without

I was mad reading that because he was so on the verge of being right with his overall points, but he was so WRONG in the practical examples he gave. I’ve lived in both worlds, of the stereotypical lower class rural person and the stereotypical educated urbanite, and I can tell you that what poor or uneducated people

I would have cringed at that sandwich place, too, because I have a feeling everything there is made from cow. I can’t eat beef, and I have to be super careful about cured meats. And striata baguette? Not a thing. Total bullshit pretentiousness that counts on customers pretending to know what it is.

Suggesting an alternative place to eat for somebody who isn’t comfortable isn’t weird. Assuming they aren’t comfortable because they aren’t as educated as you and telling that to the country is weird.

Brooks is so weird. There’s nothing wrong with offering an alternative if a friend looks visibly uncomfortable with the initial place you take them, but why read more into it?

Peak Root right now with all this rage.

People wear gloves all the god dam motherfucking time when serving/handling food. Outrage for outrage sake is ridiculous and getting really fucking old.

Last seen image of David Brooks:

Thanks for these photos. Let’s be a great society and shit on someone doing humanitarian work because she wore gloves in some pictures. What the hell, us?

Calling it- Joanna definitely wrote this takedown.

I definitely agree with your post but I just want to say OMG this boy is so freaking cute!

The real issue is that someone is getting called out for wearing gloves while handling and giving out food.

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?

Let me get this straight: people flip their shit if the motherfucker at Chipotle doesn’t wear gloves while preparing their burrito, but this woman gets shit on for wearing them while serving hungry kids? Do I have that right?

YOU need to look at the pictures again, because you’re looking at the ones that have been cropped to remove the kids in the background who are eating food and drinking. As a matter of fact, the full version of the picture you are talking about (of her next to white kids at a different event) is in the first set of


Just a thought: She may have been required to wear gloves when handing out food. You know, like in most places where food is distributed.

When are we finally going to stop calling it the history channel, and start calling it the whack job conspiracy channel?


Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been