
And the topper in this is that he appointed Linda McMahon, the producer of WWE and two-time failed senatorial candidate, to be director of the Small Business Administration.

I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.

I just read this on the NYT site, and jumped over here. Are you effing kidding me? This is the president of the United States? Just when I think nothing could shock anymore, the vulgarity, the crassness, and violence reach new and more degraded lows. I’m so embarrassed for all of us.

I mean, America heaved a collective sigh and a shrug when a bunch of small kids were mowed down.

A (likely) gang-related shooting at a hip hop nightclub? Give it a few hours, the right will be all over this with their usual thoughtful comments about race and thug culture.

One of the saddest aspects of this for Little Rock is how the community is responding (online via Facebook comments to the news reports) to the shooting. No love, no concern, no sympathy. Just a bunch of racist bible thumpers. I’ve seen a friend who lives in Little Rock comment about it saying “this doesn’t happen at

More like white on brown.

If a Muslim was the shooter Trump would be all over this. Like white on rice.

Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.

It feels icky to force gender normativity on a baby by law. Like, if want to name your child Margaret, fine. But Frances (or Ashley, Carol, Leslie) can go either way and that seems unfair. Or being able to use your mother’s maiden name as a first name so it doesn’t “die out”.

I don’t know, I like the name Sir. Think of all the white men who are going to be pissed when they have to address him.

I have long thought that Blue Ivy was a nice name unfairly lumped in with terrible celebrity baby names.

I hope Sir is the girl.

Sir? Now that’s setting up the kid to be a pretentious asshole.

I kind of like the idea of calling a little baby and a toddler “Sir” I think its cute, “Why hello Sir, how are you this fine evening”

Sir is a title, not a name, for chrissakes.

I’ve never gone viral, but I did have my Tumblr (Preciouser Moments) hit with a cease and desist from the people at Precious Memories. Turns out they don’t like their figurines being altered digitally.

Let Aretha Franklin be your guide in ALL things.

I enjoy things going viral.