
I think most of these things are pretty harmless. Sound baths can be extremely relaxing and meditative. Plenty of solid evidence that mediation can do some fantastic things. Even the aura photography...who knows? People thought real photography was the devils work when it first came out. Things like aura’s, chakra’s,

I am an old. I bet your mom was being polite. I had an elderly Jehovah’s witless at the door today and I took pity on her instead of doing my usual evisceration. If she gets her tendons stripped on some random nut-bars say so, you can put her in the home.

Sugarland Express with Goldie Hawn, The Color Purple, The BFG has a female protagonist, and his upcoming The Papers with Meryl Streep.

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.

I’m kind of pissed that this turned into a PR nightmare. My friend and I really enjoy the surprise eating that is Halloween ghost Dots candy. We would have enjoyed this too. But now you’ve gone and released white pride skittles. I can’t enjoy white pride skittles and ghost dots. Just let me eat candy people, there is

Oh FFS, the outrage over this is like a poorly executed comedy-sketch of unintentionally self-parodying Lefties. As someone who cares deeply about Leftist causes, shit like this doesn’t help.

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

I, for one, am not the least bit scared of getting rid of an international threat who happens to be our president. I’m not down with the concern-trolling and learned helplessness.

Are you sure they wouldn’t just be like, “Hey, he IS just like us - and he’s president!”

Two things: One — WOO-HOO! Can we get his tax returns now? I doubt that even if obvious evidence of obstruction of justice is found and announced, as long as the Republicans continue to get goodies from him, they’ll never even try to impeach him. Work towards 2018, people!



UK Update:

I’m sure things will change this time and there’ll be more than just the usual political speeches about “how we need to do more”. /s

Do what I do: I drive to a park nearby and watch Netflix on my cellphone. Or lock my doors and take a nap. Sometimes (ok rarely) I take a power walk. The possibilities are endless!

I always have 320 hours of vacation saved up. I never seem to have time to use it, except for a day or two here or there. I sleep a little easier at night, because part of our contract is they have to cut you a check for all of it if they let you go for any reason. It feels like a little security blanket for me.

THIS - “because they’re the only ones responsible enough to run their projects.”


Just adding my 0.02 before reading the whole article...