
You’re thinking of Marie Kondo’s “KonMari” system that encourages you to ask if every item in your house brings you joy.

A lot of people are commenting that they don’t use cash, and I want to note that there are electronic versions of this. There are several apps or programs, like Bank of America’s Keep the Change program, that will save your change from debit purchases. Two Cents posted an article with a few suggestions during the Augus

Not at all. Confirmation bias can be for something as innocuous as how popular a certain color is. If you buy a periwinkle couch, you’ll start to notice more and more periwinkle couches. Subconsciously, you may begin to believe that periwinkle has become a popular color for furniture when in fact your mind is simply

I disagree that she “without a doubt had been schooled on the value and safety of vaccines.” She was 22 when Wakefield published the article, so she would have gotten through school without hearing anything about autism and vaccines. She chose to become a special needs teacher, so I’m sure she was regularly inundated

I work on a small satellite campus; we go into the classroom! I’m fortunate that all of my faculty understand the importance of information literacy. Even the professors who aren’t required to have the info lit presentation typically request that I come in anyway.

This so many times! As an academic librarian, part of my job is teaching students to assess information and think about it critically. We use the ABC’s:

I don’t believe it’s cognitive dissonance. It’s confirmation bias: You seek information about your position using keywords and sources that tend to support your beliefs. Search terms are important.

For people who don’t have a backseat or who need to keep the dog in the front seat, I recommend a bucket seat cover. I’ve used one from Walmart for over a year now, and it’s sturdy and confirmed waterproof: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Solvit-Waterproof-Sta-Put-Bucket-Seat-Cover/17767968

For people who don’t have a backseat or who need to keep the dog in the front seat, I recommend a bucket seat cover.

Having to say thank you after every request at work (by email or in person) so people don’t think you’re a bossy bitch!

Good advice, and I’d expand it beyond role models to include preconceived notions. I’m prone to giving up on things that don’t come easily or naturally for me because I assume I should pick it up immediately. There’s value in allowing yourself to fail and try again.

Turning jealousy into productivity has been the best advice I’ve heard in ages. I heard it a few months ago and have been striving for it since. Another good (related) tip I read a few weeks ago is that your initial reaction is what you’re conditioned to think or feel, but your second thought is who you are. You may

It will be! Light’s on from 6pm-10pm, according to the website.

According to CASE standards, restricted gifts should count. It may not count for the annual fund, but it will count for alumni participation.

I am so much more excited about this than I have any right to be, especially now that I know my local Krispy Kreme will still be open after I leave work tonight!

I’m glad at the public outrage over this, and particularly pleased that Jezebel picked up the story. People often don’t see how universities spend unrestricted funds. I think many assume the money goes toward scholarships or operational costs, not pet projects like this. As a current academic librarian who used to

I say this with all sincerity: taco salad is (was?) one of my favorite foods, and he has forever ruined that delicious treat for me.

I came here to say the same thing. A credit card may be more convenient for the customer, but it really could mean the difference between being in the black or the red for some very small vendors.

The analysis of numerous pulses registered in our experiments showed that the dolphins took turns in producing [sentences] and did not interrupt each other, which gives reason to believe that each of the dolphins listened to the other’s pulses before producing its own.

I understand that, but the author wrote that it was an extra credit project for high school. One would think it’d be worth something!