
May all our daughters grow up with the “ability to swiftly emasculate me[n] with an expert turn of phrase.”

As a person prone to blushing over the slightest embarrassment, I appreciate this article.

Same. I’m all ungrey over at Lifehacker, but not here where I typically interact more. (Not knocking Lifehacker; I simply love my feminist news!)

My brain always registers biopic to rhyme with myopic, and I have to internally correct every single time.

Making yourself available is key. If you really want to talk to people, you need to be open. Most people understand social cues, so if you’re closed off, they’ll go away.

I wonder if you could use royal icing in the cinnamon roll shot glasses. It hardens nicely and shouldn’t alter the taste of the roll like chocolate might.

I typically think of an eight hour day as relevant for the sake of availability. If everyone at my organization is working ~8am-5pm, it follows that I may need to be around to answer questions, collaborate, etc. I may only “work” five or six of those hours, but I’m here in case someone needs me. That allows me to

Yes, clicking the links in the MyPoints emails still earn a few points. Over time, it can add up! They also have a toolbar to allow you to get points for searching. It’s my go-to cashback site.

I agree on the sarcasm front, but I don’t agree with everything in that article. I particularly disagree with the idea that you aren’t allowed to tell your boss during a performance review that something isn’t your fault. If your boss has misunderstood a situation—or learned something through the rumor mill—now is the

Citric acid and baking soda are both powders; they don’t react until dropped in water.

Some people find the homemade recipes to leave the clothes feeling itchy (probably due to the borax), but I’ve found that using white vinegar as a fabric softener helps rinse away any residue and eliminates that problem. You could add a few drops of lavender oil into the white vinegar when you load the machine if you

That is amazing and way more impressive than making your own dishwashing detergent.

I use the recipe from DIY Natural. The ingredients are great because you can use the borax and washing soda to make your own laundry detergent, too. (I also use DIY Natural’s laundry detergent recipe, which is linked from the article I posted.)

This is clever, and citric acid is handy to keep around for other cleaning, as well. You can use it to clean the dishwasher, or you can add a little to your homemade or dry dishwasher detergent to avoid water deposits on your glassware.

This comment deserves so, so much more love.

I’ve seen those, but they’re typically meant for a full pot rather than single serving. If you know where I could find the single serving, please let me know!

This is one of those “I can’t believe I wasn’t already doing this” tips. I’ll have to share this with my husband who always bemoans the lack of coffee during our camping trips yet refuses to drink instant coffee.

Maybe you could spend five minutes on a chore, even if you know you won’t finish it (like five minutes on putting away clean clothes even when the full task would take fifteen to complete).

I think this is a great point, and volunteering might be a good foothold if that’s workable for your dream. Volunteering could also allow for networking opportunities to help when you take your side gig full-time.

I thought you were being tongue-in-cheek, but her Instagram shows that she really did get a brand new red Mercedes. Wow.