
Yeah, believe me, I see the error of my ways now. I played myself.

Or you know don’t promote assholes. It’s not that hard to do.

Good! I hope this dude seriously gets rejected by society at large.

Better late than never I suppose. Now can they do the same to Chris Brown?

I like this plan. Mine never evolve beyond: 1.) Find active volcano. 2.) Lure cretins to the edge.

or why performing for lesbians is cool but gay men are an unacceptable audience

“The question of what instigated that is what we’re trying to figure out,” Laing said.

Okay, boys, make sure you do this in as chickenshit a manner as possible. You hit him while his back is turned, then you hit him while he’s down.

Sports torts are notoriously difficult to prove, because the violence must not be specific to the nature of the sport in question (i.e., a hockey player who gets slammed especially hard into the boards has no claim, since the act of playing that sport involves a certain assumption of risk).

One kid going out of his way to ambush an official is one thing. Two of them doing at once tells me this was ordered from the sidelines. If that’s true, end their season right now and fire the staff.

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.

The best part is the confusion of the other team as to what is going on. #3 is looking around like he has no idea how he should react to that.

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

After 6 dates you should be able to sit down with the person face to face and have an honest talk... yes?

this txt also implies a guilt of making him respond, which he clearly didn’t want to do. communicating about your feelings for the 1st time via txt is stupid to begin with.

-Sent from my vulva

My imaginary boyfriend is Nathan Fillion. He is perfect in all sorts of ways.

Well now I’m going to have to watch that, even tho it’s got not-great ratings and reviews. Eyecandy AND aliens AND vikings AND Ron Perlman, John Hurt, and Sophia Myles? Sold.

Like, who the fuck is sending out these text messages?

I just wanted to let you know, you don’t have to respond.