
Isn’t Purity his character who gets anally raped and then has a baby who is something something ‘messiah’? This is his new awesome female character???

Why did you write this headline when you know damn well none of the stuff in the headline is in the article? What kind of a sicko does that?’re a sexist, racist...communist? Yet you live in...capitalist land of Murika? You poor, poor thing...

Um...nowhere in this article do they discuss this arduous course...just sayin’...thought it was an article about women...and an arduous course...but it was all about some dude whose gear they carried...

Successful troll is successful!

Pleasepleaseplease keep him in jail 4ever there must be justice somewhere rite???

It’s a real rule, dumbass...are you really this dumb or is it an affectation? Anyway, see below...

Yes. Are you stupid?

I did! It waz terrible bullshit. Tattoos are...tattoos. If you want, if it makes you feel better, I’ll stab you with needles for hours and then you can feel better about you without indelible ink marks that last forever.

No. Tattoos don’t make you YOU. Seriously wtf???

Stop trying to make fire happen, and thirst, and fetch. Fetch ain’t gonna happen.

Do tell do tell....

“It’s totally rad to not turn a rapist in to the police”, said Phoebe Gloeckner.

She has no facial expressions. At least Neve Campbell had two. By comparison, Neve Campbell is Olivier.

Wait what?

Adopt them, loving parental figure.

You should adopt them bro you are so badass....or release them in your town in 5 years how’s that sound?

Ok that makes it all alright.

Dont wimp out now Hero in the face of adversity....

You seem to forget what a fool u are. Put your money where your mouth is and adopt them, Hero.