Sweet.... literally across the street from me. I support more events there.
Sweet.... literally across the street from me. I support more events there.
It's unfortunately crazy toxic to plants and animals. So unfortunately if someone were reapplying it every four days in a war zone, the land would probably not be livable for decades afterward.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why anyone is driving a salt-spreading truck in August.
Two-Year Olds have a remarkably wide field of view.
That's patently false. The basis of most, if not all, Supreme Court rulings on the matter is the ruling that students do NOT "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," but those rights must be applied in light of the environment. Essentially, they are entitled to all…
The argument that private companies can exercise a level of control on speech becomes a whole lot murkier when said private company is basically a glorified ward of the state.
Will it intermittently decide to just stop connecting to the data network at all unless you reboot the whole thing? If not, I might want to pick one up so my 4G Verizon phone can connect to the internet.
So anytime a police officer talks to you on duty, your civil rights are being impinged upon?
I know... this actually seems like a situation of the cops getting it right for once regarding photography rights. Which I suppose, in its own sense, is also newsworthy.
No... nobody was detained. This article links to a LBP article about the police photography policy which in turn links to the original account of Wolff's "detainment."
From the Long Beach Post article on the 'detention':
Let's take a tiny step back here... the police officers are approaching photographers and asking them what they are doing there. That is not stopping them from taking photos, nor (as the original article inaccurately claims) detaining someone.
Yes, but one actually happened in the real world and one was a comic book made into a movie. So if that's the basis of the argument, I will amend my original statement to 'Anonymous: Choosing to live in a world of fantasy instead of reality since the release of V for Vendetta'
Anonymous: Fighting to install a Catholic Theocracy since one of them watched V for Vendetta and didn't bother to do any research.
Syngenta? DuPont?
What you are referring to, is a court ruling years ago that upheld a decision that Monsanto is entitled to hold patents on a particular gene of a plant. The ramification of that decision is that it opens the door to a hypothetical situation that the Monsanto plant could spread to other farms and open the door to…
Their seed policy is a contract that farmers sign every year when they buy seeds... I fail to see the metaphor to a loaded gun.
Agricultural science, Monsanto at the forefront of it, has saved hundreds of millions of lives with their drought and fungus resistant crops. Monsanto is oft-vilified by those who have eaten most every meal of their life with ingredients bought from an air-conditioned supermarket.
Was also damn good at keeping bedbugs at bay... You listening NYC? As a guy whose building had bedbugs years ago, I'm just saying... we have no animal species worth saving here anyways. Buy some cropdusters. Let's go.