
For the most part, its a matter of what other colors are in the scene. If there are naturally a lot of blue hues in the shot, then you use green, or you risk keying out stuff that you actually want in the picture. (Like if you've ever seen a weather report where the weatherman's tie has part of the weather map

Original movie title: Cloverformers

I mean, not to point out the obvious here.... but it doesn't even do a good job approximating human speech. I'm not really sure what progress has been made since it's unveiling last year. It's more akin to a bagpipe than human speech.

I believe if you watch the original nyancat video on youtube, it DOES have it as the progress bar.

As has been mentioned in every discussion of rare earth metals, and will be again...

Holy crap, that looks like a girl I knew in high school - Sam, you have a source link better than the Reddit front page? Pretty please!

Pentax is expected to announce an APS-C sensor k-mount mirrorless system this fall.

The organizations to prevent massive-scale selling of equities are only a very, very recent creation, less than a year old. And they were only put in place after the system failed spectacularly, in a matter very similar to the BitCoin exchange - it was the May 2010 Flash Crash... a 10% fluctuation of what was

Different transaction system... this is only involving trades of BitCoins for other currencies. Whatever goods or services you sold for BitCoins, you'll still have those BitCoins - those BitCoins might just be worth significantly more or less than the price you had in mind when you set the price.

There IS oversight - the shared processing that Bitcoin users volunteer their computers for in exchange for Bitcoins is crowd-sourced transaction validation. The stolen Bitcoins are just like stealing cash - there is very little a central authority can do to prevent it. Where the system breaks down is the size of

This solution is worse than the problem. Mt. Gox getting to undo trades and re-peg the currency to a fixed amount undermines the entire concept of a decentralized market-rate currency.

Size comparisons without a lens attached are kinda a moot point no?

Because that looks like that.

Because that looks like that.

And so I ask you this one question. Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?

Google Maps, now in Street, Satellite, Terrain and Cubist views.

IBM and Apple both have roughly the same net income in a year ($14B). But Apple has been growing that number by double digits each year for the past decade, whereas IBM has been averaging a much more modest single digit growth %.

The original youtube posting is actually from 2008, so probably not. The description in that video is equally unhelpful in describing what exactly is going on.

//ponders the futility of demo'ing a 103ppi resolution through a Youtube video

I sure am! The cable companies and that copper wire running through my wall? Not as much...