
Oh man, this gem just happened:

If that kid ever googles....

I saw these guys opening for TMBG at the TLA and it fucking blew my mind. The energy they brought to the show was never seen before and we all loved it.


Oh wow, does this mean they're going to sign LeBron now?

$5500 for a football into the stands? Geno Smith will barely break even this year if he's the starter.

In defense of the Qatari government, they didn't expect the workers to still be alive.

Yuengling? Go to hell and die.

I'm good with a cooler summer. Nature owes me some lower than average air conditioning bills after the bullshit she pulled this winter with my natural gas bill.


As soon as they unveiled the new uniforms, the team received requests from over 40 players to change their number to 80085.

Great. GREAT. Now you've gone and pissed off the actual, official Cap'n Crunch Facebook page.

Lists, Ranked:

If you only clicked to see the hot girls, they are around 3:15.

Base Wars seemed amazingly head of its time if you ask me (no pun intended), a baseball game with complete customization of your entire robots, fleshed out fights, and a running track of damage to your robots so that intentional hits by pitches could end up devastating an opposing team. Keep in mind this was all done

Now playing

It ain't Base Wars, and if it ain't Base Wars then I don't give a rat's ass!