@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Personally, I don't care one way or the other if Glenn Beck has used his public speaking earnings to buy back pieces of Hitler's skeleton. I simply don't care to look into it - it's a free country.
@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Personally, I don't care one way or the other if Glenn Beck has used his public speaking earnings to buy back pieces of Hitler's skeleton. I simply don't care to look into it - it's a free country.
It's illegal to make and perpetuate damaging rumors even if you yourself never actually make the claim? Glenn Beck must never step foot in France, or he will probably get the chair.
If we just stop the Earth from rotating, it will be much easier to put up shades.
NBC is perfectly capable of devaluing their own brand, thankyouverymuch.
@Hiphopopotamus: I am totally aware of what separates Kombucha from other, traditional teas.
Kombucha is f—-ing awful.
Give CBS some credit... it's still 100x better than their original title 'Contrived Poorly-Executed Effort to Monetize Social Networking'
That's an absurdly long press release for a smartphone chip to not even use the words 'call' or 'talk' once - this thing DOES make phone calls, right? Or is that functionality being phased out for the next generation of phones?
@blyan-reloaded: Agreed - my 14 year is still going through his 'underground dog fighting ring' phase, but I'm just playing it cool and letting adolescence take its course.
@moonshadowkati: All the cool kids are getting high on Bowflex machines anyways. (Yeah yeah, I know, I'm a terrible person.)
Finally, a benefit for cotton-mouth!
As someone who has worked with Harrah's AND that agent at ICM, I am calling bullshit on her entire resume. Except the YouTube karaoke... that seems pretty real.
Why is it that in every "new future digital era" we are all seemingly unemployed and want to spend all our free time looking at videos and photos from activities we can't afford to do?
@ohnoesaz: No, but if 10,000 birds fly into your house at once when you turn on your lights at night, you might be doing something wrong.
Stop giving this guy publicity.
I was hoping by the 31st Century that we would have been able to sever all ties with New Jersey.
@hizzlebizzle1138: Entrapment requires the police to act as 'agent provocateur' - inducing someone to commit a crime they might not have done so without police prompting.
"nobody has been able to fry a liquid before."
@failtroll_is_fail: Not just New York... you've probably already consumed billions of these guys.