No brainer...BOC's 'Don't Fear The Reaper'
No brainer...BOC's 'Don't Fear The Reaper'
@SeanDL: It is, I'm just saying that this was an ad approved by Verizon, unlike for example those German Sprite ads last year that the company had nothing to do with.
@lostarchitect: It's 'intentionally bizarre' ad that only runs on Adult Swim at the moment, but it is still nonetheless an ad developed and approved by Verizon (and whoever handles their marketing).
I like this game.
When we fall to our robot overlords, never let it be said it was through trickery or guile... it was our own fault for even considering a project that uses the term 'robot swarm' in the opening sentence.
@McGinge: No you won't. Consider yourself warned.
I can only assume this game will incorporate her failed attempt as a Christian Faith-rock songstress...
@superhrman: I remember when there was just whack-a-mole. Now there was a game that required you to react quickly to hit something while music played in the background.
@Grégory Jourdan: It gets even scarier when you look at the breakdown by age on Nielsen's site... Under 18 average 2,779 texts a month.
@jefeloco: Hey spent his shirt-money on overage minutes, not his fault!
This may be true of Americans... but Puerto Ricans actually living in Puerto Rico shatter any sort of comparisons on mobile usage...
If it was the first time anyone in the world had seen Super Mario Brothers 3 for the championship round, how the hell did he know where all the secret items and shortcuts were hidden?! I demand answers!!!!
This is actually a much more safe and humane than their current non-lethal tactic: Hepatitis C epidemics.
It's important to note that none of those books are still in their original locations from whence no one should steal them.
Problem Solved. Got it.
We will hate our landlord's no matter what... this is just their most convenient reason.