My cell # still has a 2 Letter Exchange Prefix... you johnny-come-lately's and your "all digits" telephonic addresses.
My cell # still has a 2 Letter Exchange Prefix... you johnny-come-lately's and your "all digits" telephonic addresses.
My "smart" TV needs to replace/be part of my cable box. 90% of what I want from TV is already available on TV. If I am going to pay a premium for that last 10%, it had better make the other 90% a helluva lot better.
A person younger and more successful than me? I hate him so much.
@Kimrod: Everyone spends a great amount of time rejecting other people's beliefs thinking theirs are different and better... who knowingly embraces ideas they find inferior to other people's?
@Ignignokt: It's $30 a month when we already subscribe to their cable TV packages which run anywhere from $50-$100 month.
Ok, before anyone else makes another knee-jerk comment about how it needs to be profitable for it to make sense - that is not the topic up for debate here.
Some of these red-text comments awaiting approval are pure treasure. To summarize for those who can't see them 'Socialist, profanity, profanity, tea party, debt, non-sequitor, commie, profanity, death threat, insult, profanity, obama, profanity"
@Ignignokt: Cable broadband isn't a whole lot cheaper. And just like your town, many people decide it's not worth paying for.
Thumbs up on baiting us into a shouting match for pageviews. Trolling - not just for commenters anymore
@aclucari: WildBlue offers 100% coverage of Indiana.
Isn't satellite internet available to just about everyone who lives above ground? The delay means American farmers will lose many games of Team Fortress, but it is still very high speed.
Well, that sure is underwhelming.
@Not sent from my iPad: too busy on Farmville: I'm all about Bloomberg's crazy crusade on quality of life issues - though he hasn't been as supportive as I expected on my proposed legislation to legalize throwing bricks at motorcycles without mufflers.
You knew you were moving into a fratty hipster shangri-la when you moved to W'Burg. No pity. (Lives next to a bullriding bar in the Lower East Side...)
A compelling argument for bringing steroids back to the game. The 'roid rage is clearly absent.
One more reason to hate farm subsidies...
Ellison: HP "just made the worst personnel decision since the idiots on the Apple board fired Steve Jobs many years ago."
These are totally ineffective ads. Now if you'll excuse me I have to clear room on my shelf for 3 new video cameras.
@Hello Mister Walrus: Shhhhhh, you are ruining their PR stunt.
Luckily for hackers everywhere, the manufacturer won't bother to update their machines already out on the street. That's a lot of labor expenses, and its not their money. They'll just sell you a newer, securer version.