As it was foretold. The Twitter will crow three times, and on the third, the Browns will sign him.
As it was foretold. The Twitter will crow three times, and on the third, the Browns will sign him.
Burts is the best, hands down. Go Durham NC
Burts is the best, hands down. Go Durham NC
What are you talking about? The NFL has always been an organization with levelheaded policies and a yearning and practice for transparency in it all of its programs. A shield for all mankind that which all evil and anarchy break against.
Well, the NFL has always proved to be an organization where common sense rules and punishments are the norm and windmills are never tilted at.
Too long, didn't read.
+1 you glorious bastard.
Have you tried De Molen? That's a great beer and I can get it in North Carolina easily. Their barrel aged stouts are very good. Also, I was over in Amsterdam last year and had some good beer there (a lot doesn't make it to the States). They seemed pretty interested in brewing styles popular in the US (IPA's and…
Yeah, the one thing about the Y is that they are all different. The Y near my parents house is amazing - much more customer friendly and a much better gym. I would yearn for that Y. My old Y was all about an extremely nice looking new building that was completely non-functional and pleasing old members (hehehehehe,…
Oh god, the Handball players are the worst. The worst. Also, the Y I went too had this group of old guys that would monopolize one of the free weight areas. They wouldn't let you work in or give it up. Space is always at a premium at this gym. And they would openly mock people for not being strong (I am not…
I actually quit the Y. $50 a month! But, they had the arm chairs too. The old dudes would sit naked in them. Once I had to go to the Y barber (I needed a haircut badly, new to the city, didn't know where to go) and it was an "experience." There was an old guy in the chair in front of me. As he is getting done, I…
Don't know. Don't want to know. You change and get out. Snitches get stitches. Eyes down, head down. And no, I didn't graduate from Penn State (too soon?)
What was the music Drew. I demand to know!
YMCA. It's an old man type place. They have a barber shop in the locker room. For $20 you get a terrible old school haircut and terrible advice. However, the Barber did once get in a fight in the shower. I think he's seen things.
I was at the gym once and a guy was playing music off his phone with no headphones for the entire locker room to hear. He was really rocking out. Get pumped for a big workout brah! It was Nickel Back. It was god awful. He looked exactly as one would expect, right down to the barbed wire tattoo. I'm not sure what…
I love taking vacations alone. I used to not take vacations because I thought it was sad. I was single and thought vacations were meant for couples. And, my friends idea of vacations (Vegas, whatever) sucked. But then I got off my ass and take one vacation a year (week off). Normally it's hiking related. I go…
RKO!!!! RKO!!!!
Has there ever been a good movie made about the American Revolution? I can't really think of one. I can think of a few about the Civil War. The only, what I would call good movie about the Colonial Period would be Michael Mann's Director's Cut (NOT Theatrical release) of Last of the Mohicans. I may be wrong or…
I would include Heat in the least of great Pacino movies. Heat was an amazing movies, save for the women characters. Michael Mann can't write parts for women - and the Ashley Judd, Amy Brenneman, and Diane Venora roles were just so bad. So, so, bad. But, Heat was still awesome.
Potentially true (haven't read them). And hate is too strong a word. I disliked his character on TV - but he seemed like a decent human being. Those were strange times. Writing comics and the like seemed to be a desirable career (Look Who's Talking and Full House) - yes I am using two examples to support a broad…
Well they used to have real people with real jobs. Then they started getting jobs for them. My brother (Not me! I'm still clean!) watched it and I remember seeing that MTV would just get them a job at a record company or radio station. What?