
I know Halladay meant a lot to Philly. I want to take nothing from that. But, the one thing that has bothered me is that there’s not a lot of press from his Toronto days. Halladay was beloved there. He was so good and some of those teams were so bad. Halladay carried that team and gave the fans hope. Every year we

I don’t get into bashing the “academic rigor” of an institution. The issue is really what state you are in. If you are talking state schools, there is more of an obligation for them to take more in state kids and prepare them for a four year degree, as best they can. Private schools, some of them, can be more

People don’t seem to understand how the two party system works in this country. You could literally remove the Democrats and Clintons are replace it with Republicans and Bush and make this a Republican article. The Democrats and Republicans will always run to the center (2016 notwithstanding) versus what the fringes

That’s It. Comments Closed. I’ve never seen 1,119 plus ones.

Same thought. Was re-reading the article to see if Irving was in this trade.

Dude. ADAM DUNN!!!!

It came out when I was in college. Hell yes I watched it horror. Also, the university computer lab computers’ search history was a shop of horror as well.

I’m going to provide my opinion and disagree. I went to UNC for grad school after undergrad at South Carolina. UNC didn’t rationally consider anything. Some people started the fake classes, and then athletes started to pour into them. After they found out, they didn’t seek to stop it.

South Carolina grad here. And yes, this is the biggest thing to happen in our athletic history that isn’t LOL related (losing to Navy in undefeated season in football, losing to Coppin State as a #2 seed, football coach dying in a shower probably from over dose). I’m really in my office listening to Hoosiers

I voted for Clinton and live in fear of Donald Trump and the Republican Congress. That said. The Presidents have been trying to manipulate the press for some time - and vice versus. Remember those Bill Clinton stories about running to get Big Macs? A big reason was because that the Clintons refused the press

They are talking about foreign policy setting, not domestic. The field do not work on policy direction, generally. So, if they wanted to impact how we create new foreign policy, he would be better suited in DC.

One more week till we can speculate on who is running in 2020... And, we can speculate on (I’m assuming Clinton wins): impeachment proceedings from a Republican Congress; every bill dying in the Republican Congress; no Supreme Court justices approved in the Republican Congress. Ugh. I voted for Clinton, but know

Right, but keep him for the rest of the year THEN cut him. I guess this allows them some return - but hardly helps the Pats when this year.

I assumed that President Trump would be one....

For all the hype of the 3-4, I feel like the 4-3 is the much better defense. You don’t have to worry about finding a NT in the 4-3 and can instead focus on finding a rotation of more athletic DE/DT’s at a much cheaper price. I remember when the Giants did this with their Super Bowl teams. The Bronco’s to some

So make their first term a lame duck term?

Endowments aren’t a good measure of ability to pay your workers. And endowment is a one time amount of money. The earnings on the endowment CORPUS can be used for recurring expenses - thus building up an endowment would lead to increased operating availability. You wouldn’t give a recurring raise from funds if

Making the playoffs is still pretty good, no?

Vibrating beds do exist. I stayed in a lot of motels in my youth on family trips and some of the rooms had some. I think they exist solely for little kids to play on - not for sexy time.

It means, like John Boehner, he’s trying to walk the tightrope of keeping his job. A job that allows him to do absolutely nothing because he can’t control his factions to pass any sort of policy or law. Then they can blame the President (Obama, and then Clinton), that the President (in charge of executing the law)