What? The Challenge is still happening? To be fair, I haven't watched MTV since Real World San Francisco. I was upset when Puck got kicked off, but as I got older I realized he was an asshole. End.
What? The Challenge is still happening? To be fair, I haven't watched MTV since Real World San Francisco. I was upset when Puck got kicked off, but as I got older I realized he was an asshole. End.
You could take the payout over time and then securitize the revenue stream for a lump sump as well (probably not best idea). You've have to do a time value of money calculation and see. For most people the value of getting the money now would trump the benefit of lower taxes over the course of payment. Basically, a…
Oh yeah, I wasn't going with decisions that I disliked. I was saying how the Tea Party reacted. I think the failure of the Court, or what I term as a failure, comes from a lack of individuals with any expertise outside of academia. I think the Court could stand to get people with experience administering/executing…
My favorite was the response to the Affordable Care Act's decision. The Supreme Court's decision was unconstitutional - even though the body that decides such matters, per the Constitution - made the wrong decision. If only we had Inquisitions! I think the push toward STEM education is really a push away from…
If only there were a Supremacy Clause in the U.S. Constitution... And, if only there had been a war that tested and put to bed the theory of nullification... I guess we'll just have to ponder these questions because they didn't happen...
I struggled with being thin (I'm currently thin - but was never thin enough). The pressure that everyone faces - men and women - is immense. As a guy, for me it was trying to make my abs pop and all that. I wanted to be thin and in shape enough so that I could have definition (not realizing that ALL of those…
I look at Brady and I just don't think he wants it enough. I mean, all the models wife and the ugg commercials. Is this a guy that really wants it? If he wanted it, he wouldn't entertain such (searching for the word)....DISTRACTIONS. We all know it was the Patriots signing a fifth Tight End for special teams that…
They have three legs to negotiate on - trade in, car price, and financing. Remove as many as you can. For example, if you get a higher trade in, you won't get a price decrease, or your interest rate lowered. If you remove one of those, it makes their position harder (sell your car to Carmax for example before…
Gillian Anderson is a treasure.
Remember when the entire Denver Bronco's offensive line did this and it was cute and fun? Lynch does it and it is a disgrace? I remember Monday Night Football dubbing in the Bronco's Line giving their names with different voices and lips. Maybe Lynch refusing to answer questions is childish, but questions about "do…
Or Gregg Easterbrook - but only on days that he likes the Patriots for their Tight Ends and not when they are cheating. A self hating monkey puppet.
Here's the thing about Jindal (and Pawlenty, and others). I thought that maybe they represented the new moderate wing of the Republican Party when they were first elected. Not that I would ever vote for them - but I thought, "well it wouldn't be that bad if they were elected" type of people. Dead wrong. And, I…
I think that would be the reason not to include items in the Constitution that could not be amended. Had such items been included in the Constitution upon creation, it is likely that only white men of property could vote now and the only path to reversing it would be a Constitutional Convention.
Article V merely stated that the Constitution could not be amended prior to 1801 (so that States would be allowed to vote on ratification). The only other item is equal suffrage in the Senate (every state gets two).
The Income Tax was ruled unconstitutional and then the 16th amendment was passed. You can make something that wasn't constitutional, constitutional by amending the Constitution.
The last good movie made by Johnny Depp? The Ninth Gate. (kidding, that is a good bad movie though).
The analogy that you use to describe the American Sniper (which I haven't seen) is the same that I would use to describe the Hurt Locker - like diving into a pool of all the same depth. I didn't serve in the military. But, as a US Citizen, I find the problem with most film depictions of the Iraq/Afghanistan war to…
No on men wearing jewelry. Luckily I'm the youngest kid. I got to see my two other brothers mistakes and then exited high school and college jewelry free. On the class ring. I never saw the point of spending $300+ on a class ring myself. My Dad always wore one. Now, my normal view of them is that you have to be…
I think I was told to unpack and deconstruct my statements on Jezebel. Ugh. But I look at it everyday. Charlie Brown with a football!
I've used the free dating sites (OKCupid) and personally, I think the pay sites are just better. I think having to plop down a small monthly fee weeds out people who aren't serious about dating and wasting others time. But, it's fine if that's what people want (a.k.a with Tinder). Also, as a working adult, I just…