Meanwhile, in Paris
Meanwhile, in Paris
Of course we still have it good. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to be misogynistic toward white women. Just like it’s not acceptable, for example, to be racist toward black men because they have male privilege. And remember that “white women” includes women who are queer and trans, who are poor, who are immigrants, who…
I fucking hate the way that the “white girl” meme has morphed from a tool for women of color to talk about white women’s complicity in white supremacist systems into a way for people to spew gross misogyny under the guise of calling out racial privilege.
LOL. The President- no matter what your political affiliation- should never have to worry about your commute when flying into “your” town. “Hey Michelle, tell Biden I switched our AF1 flight time to a red eye, so I don’t delay TahoeSTi from getting home this evening.”
you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”
True. But he did sentence a rapist to 1/4 of the recommended minimum sentence because he didn’t think the fact that he raped someone should have a negative effect on his life. He did make it crystal clear, not just to the victim of this rape but to rape victims everywhere, that he holds rapists in considerably higher…
You know, his father is right. We do need to have a discussion about alcohol and campus culture.
Some people are referring to him as Cassius Clay in a weird hipstery attempt to act like they followed his life. Like, “I knew him before he joined the Nation Of Islam.” But they are so, so dumb.
it’s basically “they were so good we didnt even CARE that they were black!!” its so awful
I’m thinking that may have a lot to do with how people who were not “his own” treated him.
black people preferring the company of other black people is not racist.
Thank you for this article every single time a black legend has died this year I hear that transcended race statement and it makes me angry because you didn’t hear anybody say that about Bowie so why is constantly being said about Prince or Ali? Its an insult to a black person to hear that their hero transcended race…
Any sportscaster who thinks people didn’t see color when they saw Ali should find another line of work. There’s a fucking reason why Jerry Quarry was called ‘The Great White Hope’ when he went up against Ali. Because whenever a black man became a boxing champ, white America lost their shit.
Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?
Here’s hoping that people here remember: THIS KID IS NOT HIS BROTHER!
Those with a sense of humor.
Yup. Under audio books, science fiction.
Yea drew didn’t try after his top 5. Just started having his wife and kid shout random shit and listing it. 5/10 for effort.