Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

If you hate being tried in the “court of public opinion” (while facing basically no other consequences) try to imagine not receiving a trial at all, and having a cop serve as judge, jury, and executioner. So much focus on the 1st and 2nd amendment, so little on the 6th.

Somebody who really knows how to write cynical dark comedies (Coen Bros, perhaps?) needs to write a script telling the story of this bitch and her perceived persecution complex - and then cast Allison Janney (the resmblance is uncanny); Oscar #2 waiting to happen.

Gosh, being ostracized sounds terrible and much worse than being.....well, y’know, dead and all.

Oh my fucking god. The persecution complex is so fucking REAL with these assholes. 

If I asked my coworkers to call me something I expect them to have the respect to call me that, much less someone I’m hiring. I don’t see why it’s controversial at all.

Aretha Franklin was notorious for being a controlling perfectionist.

Any little thing she does, like a fairly reasonable request that they call her Ms. Hill, is amplified because she is black and female.

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

Fuck that guy, fuck Walgreens, and fuck the law making it ok.

Does anyone have a photo of Donda West in patient clothes or examination room?

It’s something that Germans and 8-yr. olds do. As we all know, Trump is a childish Nazi.

Well, there’s a big gay solution to at least part of this issue...

You don’t see chainsaws or ATVs in Manhattan, BKLYN, LA, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Portland, Austin, Miami etc et... so I disagree. It is very abnormal to own chainsaws and ATVs. Same is true for guns.

To own a gun is to normalize gun ownership. That is a problem. Owning a gun is a problem. Gun owners are the problem.

He caused that second situation and you think that should scare him into needing protection? HE CAUSED IT.

Am I missing something, or do the photo caption of the homeless person and the Racked interview say opposite things? Wait, I think I get it. He took a stealth photo of someone, wrote a virtue-signaling caption, got called out for the photo being disrespectful, and in defending himself showed his dark underbelly by

He wanted to abort her, so....

When Mike Pence takes pictures of bound and gagged women and uses them for blackmail, he at least makes sure Mother is in the room.

I chanted USA USA after reading that and now I’m afraid I might be a puppy booer

Shit. I hope this girl has a good support system and she deletes all of her social media accounts, or at least doesn’t look at them for awhile. Because, and I really hope I’m wrong, I am sure all of the crazy stans of Gigi and Bella are going to flood her with the most vile abuse for going public with this. I hope she