“Inciting violence” is only a thing in the States if you’re brown and begging not to get shot with your hands up and empty.
Can the people who celebrated his terrorist act be considered “fit” in the ways that he can’t be?
Not competent to stand trial but purchasing an AK-47 and a pile of other guns - A-OK!
“Make America Flate Again!”
It was up for about 8 seconds. I caught the error and deleted. You’re quick!
You know those same people are using Clorox to clean their bathrooms.
I will take my toxins with a side of GMOs, please!
Yup, and the same to people who think ‘natural’ remedies are better than conventional medicine because they have less chemicals. Guess what, idiots, naturally occurring chemicals also exist and the wrong one can be just as bad for you as a man-made one!
Totally unfair. A poli sci degree is a great path to six figures of law school debt.
a Pennsylvania-based photographer who specializes in photoshopped portraits with deceased family members.
two american kids killing toddlers in the heartland
Little Ditty with Jo and dying.
Thought Catalog is the worst thing written *by* millennials. This is the worst thing written ABOUT millennials.
This is the worst? You’ve clearly never visited Thought Catalog.
No, Spoelstra standing half on court and half off is bush league. Huerta’s taking advantage of a coach getting away with intruding into the area of play. If Spo were all the way back he wouldn’t have had room to pull this off, probably. Lots of coaches do this, I feel like Spo’s one of the worst (really respect him…
Don’t tell me that asshole won? Just because you named your kid Honest doesn’t mean you own the word now.
Jessica Alba sued Honest Toddler, the best anti parent blog, for trademark infringement despite them being their first. Fuck Jessica alba and he overpriced horseshit.