Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

Do you mean the Butcher of Benghazi vs Karl Marx 2.0?

Or, you know, actually discussing policy at a debate instead of body parts.

Is staying away from bigotry, antisemitism, and misogyny not a good jumping-off point for understanding a defining difference?

When your dream is a remake of a recreation of someone else’s work.... maybe stop dreaming.

Somebody needs to confirm Robert Swift’s whereabouts.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

I’m playing a drinking game where every time I read another comment of yours defending the assholes on that plane I take a shot. I’m getting a good buzz going already...

This is internet. Fuck other side and their potentially good explanation. Gotta side with whoever tells their story first.

Hmmm since the parents actively sought out the media and the article is based entirely off of their word...... I’m gonna go ahead and guess that there is a lot that they aren’t saying that might go a long way towards explaining the other passengers’ reactions.

93% of people think they are above average drivers. Process that one for a moment.

It’s all good. When you talk about this to other queens, you realize it’s a common enough tale. I just try to forget about my family.

It’s very common for parents (of any religious or political background) to assume that their child’s sexuality is a sickness. My mother and father told me they’d rather me be in jail for murder than out on these streets twirling to Beyonce and sucking dick. Sighs all around.

I try not to judge other parents, cause parenting is hard. But if you put your kid in conversion therapy I judge you. You are a shit parent.

This is Gawker/Deadspin — a troll is clearly defined as someone who disagrees with you.

I don’t know about yours, but mine are quite rude, assbutt.

Yeah, I hear you. Yesterday, Bernie’s facebook page posted a status about the pay gap between men and women. So many bros came forward to say that it didn’t exist. I almost sobbed.

Seriously, Berniebros, I don’t need politics mansplained to me. And I already have to fend off verbal tirades from my conservative family members, so knock it off.

I have done Bernie Sanders the favor of hiding any Bernie Bros in my facebook or twitter so that I can make reasonable decisions about the election without feeling like I want to punch Bernie supporters* straight in the taint.

Well, Wayne Coyne used to have one.....

Don’t anthropomorphize lips. They hate that.