
There’s only one right answer here. Lexus LC 500.

I am disappointed in all of you. There is a history of bad decisions here and to reinforce that I submit the Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio. Bonus is that there are probably almost none anywhere near there.

why do people like my fellow Texan recommend the 318Ti? They are like the training bras of BMWs

That’s like me saying my Chevy’s brakes suck while in a race sponsored by chevy while needing my brakes in a turn.

Classic private company making a situation a bigger deal by getting salty about it. Just tell him to change it and it’s literally never discussed. Now it’s A Thing. Solid work!

I love the design of this. It’s different without being ugly.

He still never gave specifics about what happened. I read he said Whedon cut his part, and that he was unprofessional to him. Just fucking say what happened dude, we don’t need a polygraph test, just evidence, stories, witnesses, or something.  

America is a nation divided along many lines these days, but I believe we can all come together as one and agree, regardless of race, political leanings, age, or gender, that these new BMW designs are awful. This could be what saves the country from falling apart.

I am not at all a rich man, but I would absolutely pay more to avoid the hassle of dealing with a dealership. I want the experience of buying a car to be as close as possible to ordering another pair of my favorite socks from Amazon. I want a complete and accurate listing, a clearly-disclosed price, quick delivery,

Give GM a little credit here. We’re talking about a huge company that not too long ago made some utter pieces of shit on wheels and had a serious badge engineering problem. What they are doing here is not only a complete re-brand but a complete product and service portfolio replacement. That is amazingly difficult for

Kia’s logo is pretty bad, so I’d vote for them first.

The Silverado GMT800 mid-cycle refresh for one. 

The new F-Type facelift. Took a beautiful, timeless design and turned it thoroughly “meh”.

My first impression of that truck was a VW fiberglass kit car off the set of Freejack. Still is.

Let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way in case any fanbois show up.

This is exactly what I was going to say. An automaker deciding that a certain number of deaths from accidents are “acceptable” because the lawsuits are cheaper than fixing the problem is absolutely sociopathic behavior. And a manufacturer cheating on emissions tests is reprehensible. Both Ford and VW probably should

Using Takata airbags.

Yes, BMW put them on there and they are part of the system as a whole, but they’re parts that will likely be replaced before too long.”

But I have been told if we just leave it to the free market to sort it all out that the world will look like this.