You know, maybe that diabetes convoy that was canvassing DC should be more concerned about this instead of imaginary mandates and harassing people on their home turf.
You know, maybe that diabetes convoy that was canvassing DC should be more concerned about this instead of imaginary mandates and harassing people on their home turf.
fair point, but nobody ever ran into a car parked on a highway shoulder because of patent misinformation. At least, I don’t think they have?
This guy is scum but I can’t say I really feel all that bad for anyone who would call themselves a “fan” of his. I’ve followed content creators for years and none of them turned out to be cretins, it’s really not that difficult.
You know what I’ve never done after forking over tens of thousands of dollars to a company to buy their product? Volunteer as their PR department as so many of these Tesla fanatics do. Has Tesla ownership become ingrained into their personality that they take any perceived slight as a personal attack?
All PD’s should be totally controlled by civilian boards with DA and Police agents acting as advisors. Also, any damages resulting from police misconduct should be taken from the department’s pension fund. No funds from seizures/forfeiture/fines should ever make their way into the PD’s budget (nor that of the…
I love how he is all badass until he lets off the first shot then cowers.
He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.
Missed headline opportunity: “Arizona Man Gives New Mercedes Thumbs-Down”
Sending the Roadster into space was incredibly good marketing with little to no downside.
“Man, tell Elon he doing too much.”
That was my thought exactly. Like, she’s already out of the car and just standing there waiting for help. Who cares if she took a selfie?
yeah, kinda:
Not like there was much else she could do in that situation. Might as well document it.
Owen you must be a west coaster. Out east there is is no “The” before I-95.
Does the header image imply that Wookies, in addition to celebrating Life Day, also observe Happy Honda Days?
Mandatory minimum laws are obscene in all instances.
While we’re living in imagination land I’d like to request a 2 door. Thanks.
I think what would be infinitely more interesting (and valuable in understanding the recent bubble that’s been building this past decade) would be a graph charting the prices on the used market. Frankly, anyone with a lunch break and access to could have put this together.