
When I look at how terrible all these lumps of boring garbage are, I realize the PT Cruiser and Aztek were bad but at least they tried something before getting budget engineered into garbage. The Aveo, Caliber, Ion, Altima, etc all set out to make garbage to cash in on brand loyalty.

Arm it and give it to the Ukrainians?

Those are my two favorite writers...

I’m not saying they need a new Canadian national anthem, but I think this is a good back up just in case.  I’d stand for it.

NYT should print this instead. 

I think he’s guilty.

When I was a kid, I always wanted to sit in the way back rear-facing seats of our wagon. Most fun place to be.

Is it good? Not really. But it looks GREAT. And as time goes by, and an economy car is faster, that’s what really counts. 

Can’t wait to have these tailgate me on the highway. 

They could design their cars to be upgraded instead of discarded. They could make infotainment and sensor systems replaceable so they could be upgraded to the latest features without buying a whole new car. I think for most customers these days that’s what they want - the newest screens and tech.  And they should

Typically the phrase is “LIVING under a rock.”

it looks like a Playmobil motorbike.

Yeah, seems about right.

Its an overstep by the legislative to diminish the power of the judicial.  There’s a reason we have judges - we know the law is not always applied the same and someone needs to evaluate the intent of the law case by case. 

It looks like they just renamed the next ILX the Integra and then made some teaser shots so we call got excited. That’s why we’re mad.  It’s a missed opportunity and ruins a good name with another bland Acura.  Nothing about it is exciting or special.  Its the Blazer all over again.

Nissan thought the Leaf was going to do it too.  They need better design and better marketing and they need them a year ago.

Corporations say its the Government’s job to regulate, Government’s say it’s the citizens right to choose to be responsible, citizens vote for politicians that won’t regulate the corporations.  And then we all hold hands to self inflicted extinction. 

Yeahhh the journalism around here is not a priority.

Why are we shaming someone for owning a nice car?  Don’t we like interesting cars here?

Ugh AND its a convertible 6 cylinder? Probably an automatic too, just let it go.