
commenter 1: We need more cars like these in the states!

Best plate hands down is Delaware. They are black with white letters. Simple and clean, how a license plate should be.

But the Vision Coupe actually has a chance of ending up as the next generation 6....

Nissan IDX, not sure if I would buy one but It would have added a bit of new obtainable performance to a pretty meh Nissan lineup.

Oh, you said best. Well next we should do the worst to thankfully not make production: 

The Jag CX-75. I was really hoping this would make it to production.

The Honda e isn’t selling well? I’m not really very surprised. Range seems to be the big factor when people are shopping for an electric car, and many just won’t consider an EV with poor range, regardless of what their daily driving habits are.

Seems as though a lot of the design is copying a student project from 5-6 years ago.

As a general rule: fuck dealers. 

(Second Third Fourth attempt at posting this - can we set Kinja on fire, already?)

This. I bought a FiST new and it was so much fun but it felt like it was glued together. 

Because Hyundai reliability/warranty/value > Ford reliability. Thats just me though.

Fiesta ST, the Fiesta ST we should get.

Not if you want to lock both your keys and your phone in the car.  Presumably to go skinny dipping.

That’s doesn’t make sense. They recommended cars like they were asked. If the person who asked for help wants a car I’m assuming that they know what they are getting into when it comes to parking. Many people live in NYC and have cars, so it’s not impossible, especially depending where exactly you live here

it’s terrible, it manages the unique GM styling skill of simultaneously integrating things like LEDs and modern tech into a design that looks 12 years old the day it leaves the factory.

It’s like they styled the car around the stripe, not the other way around.

This is a tough question because, Luxury cars SHOULD be expensive/privilaged, but at the same time, not overpriced.