
I went to Catholic school as well. Unfortunately, it wasn’t nearly as fun as Sister Act II.

Me too, I was thinking this must be too good to be true

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

Representatives from Skyline handle collection after the game.

I’m a huge sucker for that much woodwork. I would live in that building.

Their experiences?

I hate their youth.

I am an irritable Dad with a law degree. I surrender

I am an irritable dad with a law degree! It’s so nice to be recognized.

I AM, in fact, an irritable dad with a law degree, Samer. How did you DO that?

I tree what you did there

“Oh come on, that’s just a myth.” says every white guy to anyone who will listen.

“Maricopa County”

Is your moral compass so fucked up that a $20 bill would cause you to have an existential crisis?

im crying

Pretty sure Carly didn’t “fall” but rather was yanked down by the Devil himself

Wait a minute, mother fucker. Did you just explain what a bus stop was to me at the 28 second mark of your video? Fuck you.

Defendant’s Name: Ray Lewis III

look mr sherman, i get that you are angry with how much power i have....