
My wife is a take-no-shit redhead, so you better believe once we started getting frustrated pushback from unsuccessful doctors she was not shy about letting them know we were going to find someone worth a shit. to her credit she is NOT concerned about being labeled difficult.

My son has a weird variety of asthma that took probably five different doctors to accurately diagnose and treat. If you don’t advocate for yourself with doctors, no one will - something very difficult for most people to do since you’re conditioned to think these are smart people who know what they’re talking about.

I think a better ad would have been the original Peloton lady, now incredibly buff, watching the episode while she cycles. She sees Mr Big die, mutters “Pussy”, and keeps on riding.


John Mulaney in September: “A woman and the fetus she’s gestating saved me from the depths of hell.”

“Everything’s going great! I’m so happy with my new partner and soon to be first child.”

This is the correct answer.

What screams 2001 to me? The current tv cut of any film with a NYC skyline made before that year.

Fuck your editor and chief and these horrible business practices

Genuine question: is the original version any good? I remember reading a review in an old Time Out film reviews book and they slated it as boring (or words to that effect).

Far as I’m concerned the 1606 Globe Theatre performance of “Macbeth” is the definitive version and anything else is a superfluous waste of time.

Chris Pratt is giving me major I’m-in-a-cult-vibe

The church he’s a member of is basically Evangelical Christianity’s answer to scientology. They actively recruit and promote actors, entertainment industry people, and celebrities. Position themselves as a replacement for drug and alcohol treatment or Mental Healthcare. They seem to part of the same Prosperity Gospel,

Chris Pratt is giving me major I’m-in-a-cult-vibe just like Tom Cruise and his Scientology crap. This whole post seems so weird? I get an appreciation post for the wife. That’s always nice but is it an appreciation post for her really? And why mention that you met in church? Weirdsville. 

Nowadays, every creator’s gotta go to interviews and press junkets where they trawl back over their storytelling decisions in a way that ultimately diminishes them. What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type.

Oh good. Ambiguity is the worst. Why would any viewer want to engage with the text and draw their own conclusions?

Dumb choice.

I never really understood how it was controversial to believe Tony died. The entire final season is suffused with death in both plot and imagery. There are multiple scenes (most prominently, Bobby saying “you probably don’t even hear it when it happens” and the one where a guy gets whacked right next to Silvio and

Nehi Blue Cream Soda was a favorite of mine in high school.