
rush was pretty good but could have been directed by anyone. i think if those da vinci code movies hadn’t been successful he’d be in a weirder place, but he’s just this legacy dude now who will always get hired for middling projects and will deliver a middling product.

He was nominated/won a ton of awards for L.A. Confidential and The Insider. I know that in 2020 that sounds unremarkable, but there was a time when that was actually how you built up stars.

Well, Klingon sounds like Outer Space Yiddish and Vulcanism is heavily influenced by Leonard Nimoy’s own Judaism - the Vulcan salute and “Live Long and Prosper” are both derivatives of Jewish traditions.

Joe Rogan? I’ve watched J! since the Art Fleming days. I’d be done with the show if either Rogan, smarmy Steve Harvey, or the loathsomely Republican Pat Sajak took over.


The juxtaposition of her face as she goes full on Nazi-salute to cheerful wave is chilling and pretty-on brand.  

What are you two talking about?

There should have been legistaltion that asks people if they think mail in ballots arent a generally safe way to conduct an election. If they answer no, they dont get their tax returns or bank statements in the mail. they have to go stand in line for 2 hours to pick it up 

Let’s “do over” Hannity with a puppy that does tricks or something similarly more entertaining and of actual use.

If Inauguration Day comes and Trump truly refuses to leave the White House, the Secret Service is more than capable of gently but firmly removing him. And if MAGA world thinks they can muster some kind of armed resistance outside, it won’t go well.

Well, see, it adds up like this....Trump is a delusional lunatic.

I recall when I was a little kid being all excited by the concept of the series ‘Lost In Space’. But watching episodes would be a huge disappointment. You’ve got this cool concept and a network backing you all you can do is this crap? That is basically how I feel now about SNL.

Also think of what a “TRUMP/PENCE” sign in someone’s front yard does to their neighbors’s property values. If you were looking at a house with intent to buy and when you went down the street to look at it there was a Trump sign on the front lawn of a house on the block, wouldn’t you be thinking, “Jesus, I don’t know

Nah, but it’s useful ammunition in our many attempts at getting shit done.

I don’t know if this helps, but two out of three of you have aged well.

nothing says “I am a dickhead named Paul” better than the phrase “bemused r-words”

So there’s no difference between people laughing at you and laughing with you? I beg to differ.

I think a quick look at the all star set of comedians with conservative views is all you need to answer that question

I don’t know how it applies to conspiracy theorists, but generally speaking, very conservative views do not play well with any sort of humor.

Yeah; I remember the review for Death of Stalin being similarly downbeat, but that movie was quite good.