
Oh, I agree. If you could only take control of the canon away from those unpredictable, unreliable, inconsistent, “creative” comedy-writer types, this show would run much more smoothly.

Life did not publish from 1883. That was the humor magazine Life. Henry Luce bought the name and started his Life (styled LIFE) in 1936 as a large-format photographic magazine which stretched the technical limitations of reproduction and distribution.  Completely different thing.  

the best thing about Elon Musk is that his name feels like an accurate warning.

This makes me REALLY INTERESTED about how trackable and hackable RFID chips are. Sounds amazing.

assault is a word you could use

Lena Dunham can go to hell.  That is all.  

Alan Rickman

that — seems new, that openly partisan, snarling contempt for the Democratic senators. That alone is disqualifying.

So you believe the police narrative.

“At least Boston Police haven’t been in headlines for murdering people of color...

Occam’s razor says he’s simply sloppy, ignorant, and bored

Somebody thinks they’re worth poisoning. That makes them important.  Der.  

The Washington Post only counts shootings. That’s fine but their numbers do NOT include fatal taserings, withholding medical attention, withholding prescription drugs, deaths by cop car (cops are habitually reckless and rarely held to account), fatal beatings, drownings (yep), unexplained deaths, etc. These would

Lanny Davis is another arrow pointed at the president. I don’t care if his fletching is stained by his vulgar associations with such monsters as the Clintons and for-profit colleges.

Agreed, except for one aggravating detail: WE pay her.

Thank you for admitting you were wrong.

I’d start with the difference between “voting citizen” and “purchaser” if I were going to take the time.  You propose we have some sort of untapped power of boycott because shutting down a local Chik-Fil-A outlet (which is a fine idea) is politically comparable to electing a state senator — because both involve

...... wow that’s so illogical on so many levels, and those numbers make it seem like a rational statement. Impressive really.  

nice job, thank you

absolutely correct