
Did “Living Daylights” get a U.S. release as a single? I don’t remember hearing it on the radio, but a Pretenders song featured in the movie got a shit-ton of spins.

Guessing that any writer here also has forced far fewer female co-workers watch them jerk off under implied threat to careers.

My haha applies to the fact that people started calling Kanye a genius the moment Kanye told them he was a genius.

sit down, kanye.

That was Will Smith’s biggest hit in years.

He’d also be only the third ever PEGOT, with a Pulitzer added to the other four, after Richard Rogers and Marvin Hamlisch.

Little-known fact: Encyclopedia Brown is actually based on a bunch of grown-up stories (Two-Minute Mysteries) by Donald Sobol, who took out the sex and violence from those in order to become successful.

It’s apparently misogynistic due to the condition mostly affecting women.

We also never got the term Jeopardy used for “Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.” It was Grinch syndrome, named because a person’s heart is too small. I can certainly understand why a person with the condition might find the term demeaning, but I don’t think they or anyone else needs to be protected from

Btw, I'm a physician, and I've never heard another name for POTS syndrome until I clicked on the link in this article. I didn't even think it was well known enough to have a common name. 

But it does serve as an interesting reminder of the way Jeopardy!’s role as a deliverer/tester of general knowledge has to operate within a world where said “general knowledge” can often shift unpredictably.’

As long as the film is actually funny, I won’t mind. And the cast is great. But... there is something about the premise - ‘a movie about making a movie during the pandemic’ - that irritates me on a visceral level, and I can’t quite find the words to explain why right now.

You can read and comment over at The Avocado. Lots of former AV Club commenters hang out there. Nice community feel that’s been long gone from here.

Come over to The Avocado sometime. Lots of former AVC commenters there.

1) The COVID discussion sketch had a little too much of the semi-contrarian ‘everything we did in response to COVID was cringe and wrong, but it’s not woke to say it’ vibe that I’m seeing a lot lately on the Substack left and Trumpy right

“Look- I’m a grown, drunk man and I want a churro to eat on the choo-choo ride home. That had me in stitches. Long live Dismukes.

Yeah, I feel like we should be having that whole other conversation instead of talking about this very bad movie.

funny eh?
if BLM had 200 people scheduled to protest outside the capital, there woulda been 10,000 riot cops ready to stop them
but they knew thousands of insurrectionists were coming and basically had a skeleton crew of cops who half-assed the whole thing.
something stinks
it all stinks

They love controlling the conversation, so I think it would be more like -

“A pipe bomb isn’t actually a bomb, since a pipe isn’t technically a container!”

Like how everytime there’s a shooting, we end up talking about magazines and clips.

Have you considered that maybe the folkloric depictions of goblins are, themselves, laden with anti-Semitic tropes