
criminally under-starred

+1 smoking man

agreed. all the stars

I’m assuming someone has already expressed this opinion, but I CANNOT WAIT for Trump’s ADD/coke habit to kick in at 3 am and for him to go nuts on twitter about it. (The aliens. Not the coke)

I just take mescaline for that.

well played

Fellini’s is good, Grant Central is my fave but I’m never in EATL during daylight hours.

this is not really relevant to the chain comparison, but before Hurricane Maria ground it off the earth, Puerto Rico had the best pizza imaginable, largely because everyone on the island had done five years in New York at some point (or their brother/cousin/roommate had) and they knew what good pizza was. God willing,

I had no idea you could do all those things to a pizza.

Now THAT would be some shit that was worth a pay-per-view.

I will straight-up marry you for this comment.

not to mention the guy’s wearing a hat that literally advertises his love for guns. If I’m that driver, I’m scraping him off against the nearest wall before the firearm comes out.

no. this wins. possibly for tomorrow, too.

not even slightly.

This was criminally under-starred when I first saw it, but I see people are catching up now.

I just spit coffee laughing. Well played.

[pours some out for Webster]

even the mouthbreathers over at RedState are calling this out as a publicity stunt.

in chid’s defense, I also thought they were doughnuts.

wouldn’t that sting, getting hand sanitizer up there?