
I am SO TORN between a “Sailing” and a “Weirdest Dracula Movie Ever” +1 that I am going to ride like the wind right on out of here.

+1 Slim Pickens on a nuke

I know I’m in a vanishingly tiny minority here, but I’m just gonna come out and say that I actually kind of liked that Phelps vs. Shark thing, if only because Phelps sounded as stoned as a bat during the whole episode and that kind of amused me. Feel free to call me stupid.

this was a good explanation. thank you.

This is just a random question, but is it not weird that so many pro NFL players get signed and then act like they don’t know which end of the football points forward? There can’t be more than, what, ten thousand college kids playing football at any given time, yet once one of them steps up to the next level it’s like

biggest one I’ve ever seen (and I’m from Georgia; I’ve seen a lot) was hanging off a porch in Michigan. It ran the whole length of the house, like it had been stolen from an inbred redneck’s car lot. Which, who knows, it may have been.

Travis wrote a funny book on college football, but that seems to have been his high point.

Now playing

Any excuse to roll out the Eddie Izzard explaination

please come have sex with me in that outfit. I’ll buy drinks

that IS the creepiest part of Westworld for me. And also skeevy because how do they clean them?

not to be spam-like, but some friends of mine did a wildlife video series and one of the episodes was on why you should NOT own a tiger, just in case an idea that ridiculous appealed to you. It’s kind of fun.

this efficiency, I like it.

I just do that while I have sex.

in truth, if it meant I could finally do a pull up, I would dress like Olivia Wilde in Tron.

oh, good, you got both the gif’s.

also true in Atlanta, but sub a wing place for the Little Ceasar’s.

not enough stars in the solar system for this.

When I was in “college” it was a rule that you had to scream his full name when raining abuse on him and his team (particularly his shitty defense)

shit. I’ve been doing threesomes totally wrong.

I think you’ve identified most of the problems with Texas, actually.