
Oh thank God. I mean, I hope he gets the help he needs but I need to buy more buffet soon.

Biebs has a lot of catchy tunes which have nothing to do with Bieb’s vocal talent really but he does surround himself with people who know what they’re doing.

Years ago I went to college in a small town, know for the school and for its SEVEN prisons. I lived across a large treed park from campus, next to a halfway house for transitioning inmates. Regularly a man would run our street at night screaming murder and rape fantasies at the top of his lungs. I won’t type them out

I speak out ALL THE TIME about women’s issues, and I was DUMBFOUNDED at how many of the things that she mentioned that women can’t do that I had internalized and accepted. It’s just the way it is -- all of the tiny little freedoms that men have that I don’t. FUCK ALL OF THIS.

It’s so terrible! I had that pattern for almost a decade. Then I got my shit together and decided to work hard to be a better person — more honest (with myself and others), more genuine with my shared time, more selfish with personal time. Its a bit hokey, but only a few months out of a LTR with a shitty person and a

Someone suggested my brother-in-law date a certain girl at the college he attended. He did not know her but knew her roommate. He calls roommate for an introduction, but roommate is out. Third roommate answers the phone. Somehow, despite any conceivable reason for doing so, they get to talking.

Your subconscious knew what it was about.

Barry is almost always lovely and thoughtful and respectful. He’s a doll!

Over the years I’ve started becoming painfully aware of trailers like this for movies where not a single female character has a line. Or even shows up.

If anybody’s interested, the second in the quartet of A S Byatt’s novels, Still Life, is about a writer creating a play about Van Gogh. It’s wonderfully written (I recommend reading all four novels in order!) 

I walked away from the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam with that impression so I’m glad to read your comment. His brother seems to have been his main source of support, right? As for that museum, I wish I’d started at the top, where the best art and most interesting letters were, and worked my way down.

Even more outrageous is the fact that Scarlett Johansson is playing Towne in his upcoming biopic “Lord of the String.”

I liked him more when I heard less about him...

They’re also not fed a bathtub of butter in this analogy.

Deeper and dumber:

: Truth isn’t truth? Mr. Mayor do you realize...I...this is going to become a bad meme.

Also: That man can wear a suit.

At least Denise already has her tagline.

OH MY GOD YES. I actually think he is the most likely pick, especially since they brought him to the Men Tell All! I think it would be a good idea to pick someone who didn't get much air time.