
I am a little late to this party but! My most beloved movie-going experience was seeing Monte Carlo with my sister in 2011. The movie itself isn’t great, but I was newly 21 and we were experiencing some of those first breaths of independence. We smuggled in champagne and sushi and were two of 5 people in the theater.

Agreed. Took me back to the Jia Tolentino days which is a very, very good thing. Also mad at Harron for leaving but excited for her to spread her wings and flyyyyyy. 

Harron, your byline has become an obligatory click for me. You always manage to strike the right balance between informative and laugh-out-loud funny, and I learned so much from reading your work. Your voice is so distinct and I will very much miss seeing it here. I’m super excited to see what you do writing for Out.

I always look forward to this list but was bummed out by how almost-accessible a lot of things were. Like, had I a very serious boyfriend who was splitting rent with me AND serious about his loungewear, I would actually drop $80 on a pair of slippers for him. Or like, my awesome sister in law just gave birth to the

It was definitely very well-summarized in the article? 

I live alone, am unattached, and love to go out on the town with my friends. I love short skirts and low-cut tops, high heels, and showing off a sliver of midriff. This all makes me happy, it makes me confident. Getting tipsy with my friends is a joyful respite from the drudgery of my life and I have been extremely

I hate how much I relate to this. Ignoring a guy who is, at the very least, respectful, in favor of a distant and emotionally unavailable douchebag! Story of my twenties (and I am still in my twenties and I am still doing this hahahahahahahaha oh lord help us)!!!!

I believe the hate is because he joked about hiding his girlfriend’s birth control pills in order to lock her down, as well as his comments on Howard Stern in which he expressed sympathy for the pastor who very deliberately groped her at Aretha Franklin’s funeral. 

Not mine, and it’s super simple, but also incredibly sweet .

Oh lord, they hate each other so much. 

I love so many people in this movie and I really, really hope it isn’t bad. 

I get the sense that a lot of prayer time is just him catching some extra shut-eye. 

I had been seeing my high school boyfriend for a few years. After some reflection I decided it was time to end things and texted my sister “I’m breaking up with Johnny today.” But instead of my sister, I accidentally sent it to Johnny and I felt awful but also it saved me that whole

I thought this was lovely and thoughtful and treated fashion with a respect I did not expect a male writer to be able to possess. Which was probably an incredibly unfair assumption for me to walk in with, especially since the author walked in with such an open mind himself. 

I watched it last weekend and maybe it was the wine but it had me grinning and giggling and crying the whole way through. Just an absolutely lovely film. You and your daughter will have a wonderful time. 

I hate to admit how much I used to love this movie. 

Who else wants Grocery Joe to be the next Bachelor?

Now playing

Here’s my favorite Elvis Costello performance ever. His statement made me weepy.

Looks like somebody didn’t get invited to the Tony’s this year and is feeling a little bitter.

The good: I like boy brow and cloud paint a lot. They are both unique, easy-to-use products that make me look polished. I am currently using Milky Jelly Cleanser and I have to say I rather like it. It smells nice and feels good on my skin. I also love their perfume.
The bad (or rather, meh): A lot of beauty vloggers