
When I saw the dad, and how proud and caring he was, I teared up too. 

I don’t care if it’s a publicity grub, big companies do those all the time and have zero obligation to also make them socially aware. Not sure if this will actually be an ad shown on TV or just a web exclusive, but this may very well be the first depiction of a trans man that Joe Everyday has ever seen. That is huge.

My baby shower about 9 months ago was OTT- it kicked off at 11am and ended around 5pm. I had a blast. So I know usually people don’t get showers for their second baby, but a) who cares about rules and b) it’s actually really nice to get a day to celebrate and be with friends in the midst of a second pregnancy -when

Also, as a two time Pissing Contest winner (brushes shoulders off), can I please be ungreyed. Thanks!

“It’s for gay men.”

This is the most unhinged Midweek Madness ever and I am not distracted and I don’t forgive you for leaving.

Not Andie MacDowell, and if on purpose I don’t get the joke. 

I LOVED that show!! SO SO much! Now I want to rewatch it...

Actually being in a relationship but having my own place is my ideal!

Damn she looks hot here.

Grilled cheese proper assembly:

“Lauren will always be the girl who didn’t go to Paris”- Lisa Love

As for Lily James, I haven’t seen her in anything before, which is exactly what the role requires.

I hate this show so much that, when I find out a person likes it, I immediately think less of them.

Who are these people?! I’m old! 

let me live.

Give him credit, he knowns how to write a concise and maniacal four sentence business email.

This 8 year old girl can be my queen.

Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you. 

I’m annoyed by how many of you didn’t understand the clear reference to “Sk8r Boi” in the hed...