
Janay Rice says she deeply regrets the role that she played the night of the incident.

The subway is basically a gallery of bad and offensive advertisements. My current favorite is this one, which I imagine was the result the following conversation:

This is going to be like when everybody wanted that jacket Ryan Gosling wears in Drive, except they aren’t ridiculously handsome like Gosling is and ended up looking like this:

A conservative friend wrote on Facebook that he was sad to see Jim Webb go, because he was the “only reasonable Democrat.”

Well ..... bye.

Tom, we all know Matthew Berry isn’t exactly hurting for cash. The guy wrote Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles.

Sauron’s arc is in the Silmarillion. He was basically an angel whose love for and obsession with order caused him to eventually align with Melkor, the Satan of Middle-Earth. It’s very much like how Lucas tells Anakin’s story.

Bill Sikes is the Emperor. Fagin is Vader.

The Joker’s story depends on what era you’re talking

People may chuckle, but a collapsed Colon is no laughing matter.

Fell down seven times, got up, ate.

My favorite part was went the announcer was talking about that midgets football team and was like “that is a good looking bunch of kids”

You mean you didn’t like George Clooney talking about how sexy and handsome he is while crooning his eyebrows every 5 seconds?

Thank you for not including Gravity. I liked it when I first saw it, but after some deeper thinking, I began to dislike how it made space the enemy. And what, with the end of her “rebirth” on earth, it seemed like an argument for man to stay out of space. I feel humanity has a future in the stars, despite the

Passionate fan or guy who bet $10,000 on Michigan to win?

This is the best one I’ve seen this morning.

Bartolo Colon: [approaches beer slip n slide]

It’s all fun and games until someone breaks Ruben Tejada’s other leg.

Man. This is going to make for one long-ass opening crawl.

Concepts and inanimate objects Daniel Murphy disagrees with, ranked:

Episode II drone flyover for comparison.