
I kind of like it because it just further illustrates how moronic these racist assholes are that think every brown person is either a Muslim from the Middle East or an illegal Mexican. Same dumbasses who go after men in turbans for being terrorists.

I’m sorry I hurt y’all’s little white feelings. So very...fragile.

Most of my family and friends in the U.S. (all Indian) are extremely educated professionals: a post-doc research scientist, many are E.R. doctors, surgeons, a former government advisor economist, etc. I wonder how many of them took those highly skilled jobs away from Trump supporters like this:

How is he going to make this about Islamic terrorism when none of the people involved were muslim, and the victims were brown men?

This is how you Make America Great Again, right?

We can talk about that, but let’s not pretend that suddenly capitalism is an issue when a Black woman is rich and famous as fuck. Let’s not criticize every famous Black woman who says she’s a feminist while praising famous white women for the bare minimum. And let’s not dismiss Beyonce for being sexual while praising

She lost me with her comments on white feminism. It’s not just power, it’s the power and cluelessness that whiteness affords.

Having her name published in this article will have the same effect. Only companies that value gender equity will look past it, and even some that do won’t hire her because she’s already a “troublemaker”.

As a woman FORMERLY in STEM, before all the neckbeards screaming misandry! and fake! come rolling in, I’m going to come right right out and say that her account sounds eerily similar to my own forced exodus from a fortune 200, and to things I heard from close friends/co workers. We were all sexually or racially

Yeah, occasional regression is a feature of moving forward.... the price of a liberated pussy is eternal vigilance!

Such sound advice! If you’re happier and satisfied, you’ll be more confident, and your friends & loved ones will benefit as well. And I totally agree with you about “paying it forward”— I give that pep talk to any young chicks who’ll end up listening to me, because when I was growing up in the stone age (ok, 70s-80s),

Batteries! <3 <3 Girl’s best friend (nevermind the diamonds).

“Since the election, I’ve tried to call out blame where blame should sit”

She’s awful.

I am sending my congressman a gift pack of Chapstick for valentine’s day. His lips must be so chapped from kissing Trump’s ass so much. I was thinking of sending some lube and anal-ease too for easier insertion of his head up Trump’s ass, but I’m on a budget.

Yes, by all means, all of those people who are concerned about practicalities like health care and jobs will be better served by the President who gets rid of the ACA and starts a trade war with Mexico/China/everyone.

We’re gonna send that nuke to Taaaaaajiiikastaaaaaaaaaan!!!

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.