
Thanks! šŸ˜Š

LOL. This is great! IĀ am totally using this on the next fuckwit who asks me when I plan to reproduce. Ever since getting married I am genuinely appalled by how many people think this line of questioning is appropriate or any of their business.

It is a great show! It is scary and quite gory so it may be better to start watching it during the daytime just in case :)

Omg, i LOOOVE Hannibal!šŸ˜ I waited so impatiently for the new season to come to Amazon Prime. For being as gory as it is that show is so artistically done. I need to binge watch it again!

Being myself an analytic geek I had to star this.

Amen. This drives me fucking insane, especially at the gym. I go to the gym in my ratty workout gear with my resting bitch face and headphones to get a work out, not find a lay. It annoys the hell out of me that I have to fight for that personal space because some asshole douche bro inevitably decides I merit hisā€¦

This really does sum it up perfectly. Bunch of whiny self righteous fucks. I need to see if my local PP needs escorts to walk women by these assholes. Iā€™m really looking forward to ripping them some new ones.

Have a safe trip!! You will be missed, I always enjoy your thoughtful comments and sense of humor :)

Damn thatā€™s brilliant! I will definitely have to start doing this, thank you! :)

Preach. As a biracial person Iā€™m always obnoxiously between shades. I used to try mixing different shades of foundation, it was a royal pain so i just use a powder/bronzer mix if i want to look put together :/

Well Iā€™m very glad to have been able to help :) Sometimes itā€™s just nice to know there are people out there who know what it feels like <3

Omg, i have heard that stuff sooo many times too. Or when people talk about other people they know who ā€œstill manage to do thingsā€ with migraines, implying youā€™re either a wimp, exaggerating, or both. Well some of us out here totally get it! So feel better and in the meantime some internet hugs <3

Thank you :) a big hug back to you too! I hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted on how youā€™re doing, or if you ever just want to vent or feel less alone. <3

Oh good, I am so glad I was able to make you more hopeful! I feel so much for fellow migraine sufferers, I think unless youā€™ve had one you just donā€™t appreciate how bad they are. The worst is, at least in my experience, people around you will get fed up with you always having a migraine, ā€œitā€™s just a headacheā€ (NO ITSā€¦

Im late to the thread, but as a fellow chronic migraine sufferer I feel your pain :( have you tried botox? That has actually been a lifesaver for me. I was at a point where I was in the ER about once a month for out of control migraines, and often suffering from daily migraines too. Since I started botox its beenā€¦

Yes! It took me a little while to find a cup that worked well for me, I started out with the diva cup, tried the skcoon and lunette, but kept having problems making sure they were positioned right not to leak. I use the femmy cycle cup now (been using it for a year) and it is great, at least for my body it works waaayā€¦

This made me LOL. I feel the same way sometimes, having trouble ā€œhumaningā€ vs ā€œadultingā€!

Congrats!!! šŸ˜Šā¤

Thats a great idea and something I desperately need to do! I hoard beauty products like a makeup obsessed chipmunk. Maybe tomorrow will be a clean and organize day...youā€™re motivating me :)

Got my hair highlighted (for the first time!) blond and red highlights in my naturally dark brown hair.