
Dear God. I am truly sorry you went through that. *hugs* <3

I’m so sorry you were subjected to such bullshit. It makes me truly sick how widespread this is, I’ve seen it firsthand helping both a friend and family member through their reporting processes (one actually in Baltimore and another in CA) and it filled me with so much rage. Good for you for making these scumbags do

So true! Whiners and “traditional values” nutcases try to create problems where there are none. Im glad your experience coming out was a positive one:)

Exactly. Your average troops out there tend to not care, it’s usually the higher ups who start the hand wringing and it bleeds on down. I’m in the military and I’ve served with plenty of gay servicemembers, before and after DADT was repealed, and at least in my experience we among ourselves keep it respectful and

So true. It took me a little while to learn the wisdom of that, I used to feel obligated to fight every battle and engage with people over stuff like this. Eventually I realized they are not interested in honest debate and sometimes just blowing it all off is more helpful for my own sanity and peace of mind. And being

Exactly. You can’t win with these folks. Which is why I just blocked/deleted their emails. Its like that joke/saying goes, (I dont remember the source) but basically dont try to argue with idiots, they’ll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Lol.

I was truly tempted to reply to their whole rotten email chain with this:

Unfortunately you’re right. just last week I was somehow included on a mass email from an old family friend (my family and most of the family friends are crazy religious right wingers, boy do I have fun at holidays). And this email was basically some super traditional catholic group encouraging catholics to vote for

Dammit I’m late as usual to the party but me too pleeeeeeeaase!!!!!!


Hope you’re hanging in there and doing alright with the meds and treatments! I’m on a roll with Korean skin care right now- I just tried the mizon snail cream (in the pink tube, I get it from amazon) and the laneige water sleeping mask. I also tried the Obagi vitamin C serum and loooove it!

I am so loving all of them, I can’t get over how smooth and even toned the vitamin c serum leaves my skin! Thanks again :)

What a piece of crap the husband is! Man I’d dearly love to kick him in the nuts. With steel toe boots. That is a really tough spot you’re in though, damn. I agree with the commenters who say it may be a good idea to tell your friend since the asshole husband could give her and the baby an std. Also, if my husband

Love it! Looks lovely :)

I’m so sorry :( big hugs for you and puppy. My heart is absolutely breaking for you. I have 2 pups and I cannot imagine having to put one down. Please give her some extra treats and a big kiss from an Internet stranger and her 2 doggies 😚

Thank you for the vitamin C serum and laneige sleeping mask recommendation! Both are amaaaaazzing! And my Mizon snail serum arrived and I’m loving it!

Gorgeous! You are so talented, I would love to be able to sew. I loooove those pretty summer prints and the scalloped hem on the first one. You should go into business, I’d totally buy your dresses.

Riesling! I’m sorry you’re going to be leaving, thanks for hosting the drinks thread and all the best to you :)

Thank you. This is a sight for sore eyes. We need to establish a weekly thread for such eye candy to alleviate all the ocular pain induced by seeing trumps fugliness dominating the news 24/7.

YES. Very well said. I work with a lot of hardcore Republicans, some of whom lament trumps ascent, and I just laugh...how can people be so stupid or have such a lack of integrity to not see trump is simply a blowhorn to the dog whistles Republicans have been using for the past 30 some years. He’s literally their big