
Just seeing that shit every day would put me in a bad mood

Omg, I laughed so hard at this, and then wanted to cry, it’s so fucking true. I’m totally using this when double standards come up, it’s a brilliant quip.

“Singing Canadian erection” 😂 this is how I will be referring to the Beebs from now on. Thank you Bobby.

Lol true. That’s what we did too.

Dear God. That made me sick. And how in the hell is there a statue honoring this man on public property ??? He’s a disgrace, no better than the nazi doctors who made “progress” off their barabaric human experiments. And I’m pretty sure Germany never erected statues honoring those human experimenters. Yet somehow this

What an eloquent response! One of the most civil yet crushing troll put downs I’ve seen yet.

Re your last paragraph, I’m pretty sure these assholes know very well when they spout off their racist garbage to POC, I honestly think it is passive aggressive, and they are only getting worse with fucking Trump, since they see it as boldly resisting “political correctness”. I recently had a coworker complaining to

This. Is. Awesome. And deserves waaaaay more stars :)

A-fucking-men to that. This man is a criminal with blood on his hands. It speaks volumes about how the justice system views women and our healthcare that he’s getting away with this garbage. But yes, thank you for encouraging donating to PP! I have started doing that every time shit like this happens, it’s how I keep

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way...I’m like that with movies too. I try to explain it to my husband (he just doesn’t get it, and thinks it’s weird I’m like that). Real life is way too sad and shitty, movies and books are my form of escapism and I prefer them to be happy.

Good point.

Good for you! It’s wearing as fuck being told all the time to lighten up (I hear that one a lot too!) and basically being gaslighted into feeling like you’re overreacting by simply being offended by truly offensive shit! I don’t have kids but it’s really heartening to hear there are parents like you working so hard to

Are they really that short of good cartoon ideas they need to resurrect/remake the creepy ass rapey skunk? FFS. And anyone want to make bets how long until the complaints start about how this remake is ruining people’s gloriously politically incorrect childhoods??

Thanks so much! :) those all sound awesome!

Ooh good, it was the Mizon snail cream! In a pink tube I think. I’m glad to hear its good, now I’m really excited for it to arrive! I’m super impressed with the Korean beauty products I’ve tried so far, the Tony moly masks and a bb cream I bought a while back at a Korean grocery in San Diego. I’m really interested in

I know! I couldn’t believe how much better Amazon’s pricing is, and with prime you really can’t beat it. After I ordered the masks I went down a rabbit hole looking at all the Korean beauty products, the packaging is just too cute! I ended up getting some snail cream gel too, I’m waiting for it to arrive (I just had

Right?? I just got the variety pack of all the different masks this past week and now I’m super excited to try them all. 😊

I’m mixed, so I’m half brown skinned oily ;) I’ve found using a good bha exfoliant morning and night has worked wonders for my breakouts. I use the extra strength clear bha from paulas choice. As counterintuitive as it sounds, I’ve also found keeping my skin really well moisturized helps control the oiliness and

Lol, I’m sorry! But honestly it is nothing to be scared of, it sounds scarier than it is (i was terrified during mine because they had a new doctor who’d never done one before do mine, and they told me that, wtf) You don’t really feel anything since they numb you really well, it just kind of feels weird more than

Omg, this is the best. Divorce fairy! I laughed so hard. My parents could totally have used one too. Hopefully I won’t need one😮