
Seriously. I realize a tubal is much more invasive and complicated, but I bet none of these doctors performing “brosectomies” refused some men as patients since they might change their mind later.

Gah, the hostility that can arise when some point of knowledge comes up is just... baffling to me. Case in point: my mom and I were watching a documentary this weekend and they mentioned the whole ‘civilization begins in Sumer’ thing and she pointed out that with organized government arising there, we should deliver

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Can we at least have a tampon allowance? You know, since it’s the president’s favorite subject?

Fuck it, I’ll fat shame his shameful ass too...

If it makes you feel even a little bit better, these heavily-armed Republicans are insanely ill-equipped to defend themselves in my experience. Anybody can pull a trigger, but it takes a supreme amount of discipline and practice to be effective in actually defending yourself with a firearm, especially when you’re

The NRA is making this ad because we elected a Republican president and gun sales are down (way down). Without the threat that Obama and the Clintons are coming to steal your guns, they can’t keep the AR-15 factory’s operating a full capacity. The only option they have left is to push for an all out civil war.

Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.

Nope. Until something occurs to rock their little worlds, they’re not going to change their minds and it’s not your obligation.

I am not being a shithead, either -Does it have to be a specific policy for kids from an extremely marginalized community with a horrific past and present of suffering genocide, forcible removal, rape, cultural ethnocide, extreme poverty, etc. to be legitimately scared of a general, burgeoning atmosphere of hate,

Yeah, I hear next week Trump plans to announce that he’ll send all Native Americans back where they came from.

It is most certainly not a middle class white woman thing, or at least, not just a white women thing. Studies show that men do it just as much as women. But its just not perceived as being ‘obnoxious’.

The persons harmed by this device were all XX women.

Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

I’d probably give the bear the brownies.
Earlier this week I made little turkey sandwiches for my crows.

Adoption is an alternative to raising a child but it’s not really comparable to abortion. The chances of medical issues caused by pregnancy don’t decline when the pregnant woman has an adoption plan. The physical effects of pregnancy that might cause a woman to have to stop working while pregnant don’t stop when the

As you profiled adoption isn’t easy. You’re also suggesting that women become forced surrogates, still having an unwanted pregnancy.