
Not resisting is important. So, I’m not in the US but I have been a part of many rallies etc and this is advice I was given and passed on to everyone I have ever known wrt police and political action.

That is blatant abuse of power. Fuckers should be fired. I know the ACLU is a little busy but I hope this gets legal action.

It’s pretty disgusting really. Police have been taught to say “stop resisting” whenever they arrest someone in front of cameras, even if they aren’t resisting, because they want to use that as a way to charge them with resisting arrest. It’s a shitty tactic. The guy in the pink shirt handled it well by saying “I’m

Me: He’s actually banning people based on religion, holy fuck!
Trumpers: It’s not based on religion, it’s only 7 countries full of terrorists. Remember 9/11?
Me: The guys that did 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. No one from those countries are subject to the ban.
Trumpers: 9/11 was 15 years ago, what

The mentality of people who want to become cops: because they get to bully people.

Oh no doubt. It took the election of Trump to bring out 3 million people for the women’s march. He’s the best thing (and the worst thing tbh) to happen to liberals. We are uniting and working together to both fight against Trump but also to stand up for our core values.

When I was first starting out in my career, a much older colleague told me the best advice he had to offer was to always have a “fuck you” account - enough money set aside to say fuck you to any boss at any time and walk away.

When this nightmare is eventually over, people like trump, bannon and conway will be looked at in the same way as hiltler, gobbels and bozo the clown.

Best of luck to everyone putting their jobs, lively hoods, or lives on the line to do what’s right in the face of staggering evil. You have my most profound respect and admiration. As harrowing and hopeless as things seem, people like you give me hope that we can bring down this racist administration.

Always have a Screw You fund if you can.

Somebody made a meme of it.

Newsflash !Everyone isn’t Western or White or even in the United States when they read this website.

Yes. January 27th. Spring New Year in many Asian countries.

I truly wonder if people believe that acts of violence are no longer illegal as of January 20th.

I need the ACLU, Dems and journalists to get this man impeached YESTERDAY. The fact he’s moving so fast to burn our country to the ground shows that he knows he’s got limited time. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING.

You can be on twitter without tweeting. In fact, you can create an account, follow @HalfOnionInABag, then never look at twitter again - your work against the orange ego complete.