
Ya he’s usually a top contender in both categories on a regular basis. Fortunately we live on opposite coasts now so I don’t have to listen to him as much. But it makes me sick and sad to see that kind of thinking reflected in reactions to so many cases from the Stanford rape case to Amber Heard’s abuse allegations to

Oh but don’t forget the wimminz are the hormonal emotional irrational ones!!! The men’s rage is logical, the female victims drove them to it! /s

I think the main reason people (mainly right wing leaning) are so busy expending their limited mental capacities trying to pigeon hole this atrocity into an either/or terrorism/hate crime vs both/and is acknowledging it was a hate crime is acknowledging it was motivated by the anti-LGBTQ hatred they so actively fuel.

I’m so sorry you have to deal with that from your family. Internet hugs <3. I know it sucks when the people who are supposed to be there to love and support you unconditionally fail to do that, but for what it’s worth there are those of us out there who do love and support you (and give you mad props for being brave

Going on a delayed honeymoon to Maui in 2 weeks! Mr. Hildegard and I weren’t able to go on one after we got married last year, so we’re going now. Planning on lots of swimming, hiking and surfing :)

Awesome, thank you!

I’m a huge cider fan too! I’m having a rather mediocre Chardonnay right now though. And Internet dating does suck, hard. You absolutely will be the woman someone falls in love with! The right person will come along, they will. ☺

Noooooo don’t go away my new Internet friends 😢 I’m also a lurker who literally just got around to establishing an acount earlier this week so I could finally join in. I don’t even have a twitter but if that’s what it takes to keep up with the Jezzies I will start twittering/twattering blundering my way around

Lol. This is so pathetic it’s just funny. The GOP realizing in alarm maybe openly alienating women and minorities is a poor strategy and thinking they can deflect attention from their current shenanigans (shenanigans = jaundiced turd candidate officially endorsed by the KKK, who calls for women who get abortions to

Thank you! :)

Thank you. To me this name just sounds like the noise during a really loud barf...

Yay! I’m another newcomer, I’ve been a big fan of the site for several months too and only a few days ago finally got around to getting an account :)

This. Is. Amazing. Buying a mug and some of the cards now.

All the stars! This is so very true. The tangible positive change that Obama has brought about in spite of an obstructionist Republican Congress is amazing. I don’t think enough people appreciate this now but I hope (as long as the right wing history revisionists don’t have their way) his presidency will go down in

This camp sounds skeevy/creepy as fuck, with the little heart emblazoned stationary no less...glad to hear Sarah is free from there, now if only the whole outfit (and all others like it) could be permanently shut down...

Well I guess that’ll be part of “Make America Great Again”, going back to the good old days when the brilliant collegiate athletes could rape with total impunity and not face the inconvenience of anyone calling attention to their misconduct (pointing out their rapiness is just so rude!) I mean how unfair to have their

Eh idk about aloe, I’ve seen aloe plants with some pretty gnarly barbs, I was thinking along the lines of a prickly pear, with all the itchy little hairs instead of spines. Although I agree it would be very inhumane to the cactus. Cacti deserve better.

“My solution to make America great again is my magic sauce. It is very good magic sauce, the BEST magic sauce, the most magical!"

Wow the endorphin thing is crazy! And awesome! It sounds like you have a wonderful family :) thank you for the advice, it’s really nice to talk to a mom who doesn’t tell you you’re not complete until you have kids.

I actually had not heard of the energy burst before delivery...good to know! Thanks for the encouragement, it makes me feel better to know someone else who also started out not being a fan of the idea of kids but ended up being really happy and having a good experience with them :)