
It’s ok you didn’t really scare me off from ever having kids :) I think eventually I’d like to, it does seem scary though! Thank you ladies who are really honest about the experience, I feel like childbirth gets romanticized so much or other women are afraid to be really honest about the good, bad and ugly, it’s good

Ok I am pretty sure my ovaries just shriveled up and went on permanent strike. #nokiddosforme

Glad to spread the word :) they even let you pick which PP location you’d like to help.

Planned Parenthood is literally a life saver to so many women, I’m glad you were able to get access to exams and birth control through them! This fact seems either not to matter or be totally off the radar for most men and a lot of women privileged enough to have ready access to health care. I voted for Hillary

Lol sounds like a plan

So I am rather new to kinja’ing...can I approve replies to me or does a site moderator have to do that?

I’m so sorry you had to go through that :( Internet hugs.

Yes, I am so glad the entire family are not whack jobs and someone is there to fight for her. I’m sure this publicity is a nice embarassment for the parents, although I suspect more bc everyone will know they have a gay child than bc they are being awful parents. Sigh. My heart breaks for all the other lqbtq kids out

Preach! What burns me up is I guarantee you if these self righteous homophobes saw their daughter in an abusive hetero relationship, or dropped out and pregnant in high school, they wouldn’t see fit to intervene, bc somehow that would be “the Lord’s will” or some bullshit. But heaven forbid she be gay, then suddenly

They really are monsters and should lose custody of the girl. Thank goodness for the sane family members' intervention. I hope she hasn’t been scarred by whatever ridiculous bullshit they subject them to in these “camps”.

Yes indeed, can’t forget that cuntiness factor...

Exactly. Their logic (or lack thereof) in this regard is frighteningly like the Trump cult. It’s like the argument Trump’s being racist is just drawing attention to racism...the Bernie or bust equivalent is, oh the system is unfair and corrupt, let’s vote in someone to make it even more so to point to out how bad the

Ah. That explains it. She shares (in part at least) the privilege bubble of the other Bernie or Bust folks. She won’t be relying on PP for critical screenings or affordable birth control. So screw everyone else!

Holy hell. The levels of hatred coming at Hillary from the Bernie bros (and bras?) Just blows my mind. It’s as vicious as the attacks from the right. I guess this charmer doesn’t particularly mind keeping the wage gap, and having a Trump regime legislating the hell out of her and everyone else’s lady parts... it’s

Thanks for posting! These are fabulous!

A straight white male with zero maturity. I unfortunately know some of these Bernie or bust types and they are all straight white guys who are in a privileged enough place in society that they will not experience the fall out from a Trump presidency. I think they genuinely support Bernie’s idealism but are incredibly

THIS. On a side note, I love watching when misogynistic assbutts have daughters, and then start shitting themselves as it dawns on them that now these (albeit inferior, vagina having) extensions of themselves will have to deal with guys like them! Of course I wish no ill to their poor daughters but watching these

Very true, I think you hit the nail on the head with the “I’m the right kind of woman”... I hear this so often from female rape apologists. I’m in the military and it always surprises and irritates me how many women respond to incidents of assault and even the sexual assault prevention training we have, (which

This is so depressingly true

Thank you for posting the petition!