
Sounds like Canada does it better (like a lot of things!). No, they were able to do a rape kit but still there was no referral to a place to do the drug test. It was basically shrugged off. I sincerely hope that’s not the case in most ERs in the US but I honestly would not be surprised....

Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad to hear my experience is not the norm, it makes my heart break so much more for those women brave enough to actually file a police report. I’m still shocked though that tests aren’t available for date rape drugs, to at least know for sure if you’ve been drugged and with what.

So true. The way the system handles rape is just fucked up beyond words. Experiencing it recently first hand with someone very dear to me after a sexual assault just left me speechless with rage. First off she was almost 100% certain she had been drugged, and the ER where her rape kit was done had no way to test for

Seems to me there should be some kind of child abuse argument to be made here regarding parents who indoctrinate a 3rd grader to be such an ardent Trump supporter, including encouraging (or more likely forcing) the kid miss class to go to a rally....(barf)

THIS. Thank you for verbalizing it...I get the sad feeling this is what it really comes down to. Even among so called progressives it seems the sexism runs deep :(

“Fist of feminist fury" love it! Definitely using this as a gauge for reading the news, how often my fist of feminist fury itches ;) Thank you for a much needed smile (albeit while I am having a rage stroke over this misogynistic pos and his spawn)

Like a boss! Perfect comeback to these whiny ass Mra trolls. Needs like a million more stars.