
"What's More Romantic Than A Valentine's Day Abortion?"

I'm gonna go get a Valentine's Day abortion and I'm not even pregnant! That's how much I love abortions!

He went to Planned Parenthood. <3

I found out on NYE when I was 25 that I was pregnant- failed birth control in a deeply loving 5 year relationship where we both were SO not ready to be parents. I can tell you what- knowing I was in Massachusetts, knowing I had spectacular health insurance thanks to my Swedish company, knowing there was a Planned

Conservatives just call it foreplay.

I have too few married friends for this to work. YAY SINGLE LIFE!

"If a man gets a serious injury, it's still not fatal, but for women it could end much more seriously," a Russian ski jumping coach said. "Women have another purpose—to have children, to do housework, to create hearth and home."

Ginuine's Pony was actually the US Dressage team's theme song for the Summer Olympics. You should see the footage of Ann Romney and Rafalca rocking out to that jam.

Holy sh*t, I can't believe I was right!

Obviously Ginuwine is just chillin' at the Lake House with Donna and the other Meagles...

I am old enough to remember girls throwing themselves down the stairs, having their boyfriends hit them in the abdomen, taking dangerous combinations of illegal drugs, and trying to sneak out of state to Washington, DC or NYC to end unwanted pregnancies. It was a terrifying time. I know more than one woman in my

And this is why the only thing I ingest is pure, organic virgin's blood. Great for the skin, too! And running them down on moonlit nights is great exercise.

You know what makes you look old? Getting old. The only alternative is to die young.

Will white people finely acknowledge that the justice system treats them better?!

Mock could have taken it as a moment to be an ambassador for trans people and used the show as a platform to teach Morgan and his viewers.

I've never understood how privileged people (white men seem particularly prone to this) can't accept that THEY DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHAT'S OFFENSIVE TO THE OFFENDED PARTY!! Just because you didn't mean to be offensive doesn't mean you weren't offensive.

My grandmother picked up a silver fox at her retirement village. He was absolutely dashing, as well as kind and charming and handsome and witty and a doctor. GO GRANDMA! She met him at the computer club, and taught him how to email his grandkids, and that was it - love and "companionship" for the next ten years. They

I wish I could high-5 Libby - get yours girl, get yours!

Women like Janet Mock are killed by people who believe the ignorance Piers Morgan refuses to acknowledge in himself. But yeah, controversy machine, sure.