
There is more to this story. Charda woke up disoriented in a hotel room, and called the police because she thought she had been drugged and raped. Instead of taking her to a hospital for a blood test and rape exam, the police arrested her for trashing the room, and then this occurred. I hope she ends up owning the

DRY ORGASM is my new band name.

Q: What is it going to take to get male birth control?

I will take my hug now, please!

Could you please send him this message? Thank you.

I just wrote almost the exact same thing. Thanks for saying this, and as someone who also lost a sibling to addiction, I'm so sorry for you, your family, my family, and everyone else who has to experience this horrible stigma.

For those of us who are on Facebook and Twitter today who have also lost loved ones to heroin overdose regardless of however many people have died that way before them, seeing shit like this is not only totally retraumatizing, but trivializing, insulting, and deeply hurtful.

My brother wasn't stupid. His death wasn't

If anyone was wondering which state grows the best legal pot...

I may have already told you this, but Copperboom was the first username I tried when I joined Jez. You beat me to it. Copper Boom!

As a chef, I rock the Sookie-style double pigtails at work. That's right!

I LOVED GG, and still want desperately to move to Star's Hallow even though everyone is all grown up and maybe even moved away. I could maybe buy Luke's so he can retire?

Oy, enough with the poodles already! One of the saddest things when my old roommate moved out of our apartment and in with her bf (losing a good friend to an asshole being the saddest) was that she owned every season on DVD and they all left with her. LOVE that show, have seen every episode at least 10 times and could

Season 7 was awful, but my least favorite episode is in Season 6 when Luke and Lorelai go to the Vineyard with Rory and Logan. Luke is a jerk and Rory and Logan are uber smug and pretentious. Blech. I can never forgive ASP for that episode. And April.

If it ever turns up on Netflix I won't leave the house for a week. Let this happen!

Check my username. I can recite every episode, backwards and forwards, quote it almost subconsciously, and answer any trivia question about it. But let us never speak of April, or most of season 7 after ASP left.

I always loved Sookie in particular because she had the best chef's coats ever. I wish I was rich and could sew...

I wish Stars Hallow was real!

Gilmore Girls is my favorite show. No shame.

My 11 year old son is THE BIGGEST football fan in the world. The ENTIRE world. He knows every stat for every team, every player. Everything. He became eligible to play tackle football last year and I made up every excuse in the book as to why he couldn't play. Much to his disappointment, he went back for that one,

Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:

Can I be real honest here? I'm an almost 30 year old virgin, with extreme self-esteem issues. I've never been physically intimate because I am terrified of rejection or that I'm sexually abnormal in some way. Also, I'm obese and can't imagine how anyone could legitimately be attracted to me. This article struck a