This is also a victory for mosquitos.
This is also a victory for mosquitos.
Yes, and it was no accident, either. Welker beat the dog on porpoise.
I'll save the Gawker commenters the trouble. Eh hem:
Helooo, new coffee table.
They have a good moral argument, but this... this is not well articulated from a legal perspective. The quoted materials above in particular are not going to withstand the forces Zuffa can bring to bear.
I think a shovel can handle the 1-3" just fine. I'm not afraid of a bit of moderate exercise.
Welcome to life, kids.
It is a mental disorder that has effects on behavior. Unless you're a doctor, don't tell me what he can or cannot do.
Gawker couldn't even be bothered to go outside to view protests they were reporting on. If it's not emailed to them or on Reddit, they're not going to find it.
Yes I want to jeopardize my job at CNN to help a shitty website site do yet another whining article about nonsense. How about fuck off and do your own real work and not look for random people on the internet to do it for you.
I would hope so, at least in this video he did something wrong
Carleton, the Berkeley of the North.
I know I'm late to the party and you probably wont see this, but what about an amphicar?
I posted a suggestion yesterday...but I'll just say it again and with more pictures - because everyone likes pictures. (I'm leaving out my Ferrari 308/328 suggestion from the link...but feel free to read it).
I know Gawker author's aren't exactly known for being good at their jobs (ie.writing) but between this and Burneko's giant pile of donkey vomit he called a column earlier, they sure have been shitting the editorial bed today.
Is it just me, or is this the most Gawker Media of things to include here? It just seems so forced. Like, the initial read-through of this posting by your editor resulted in a, "hey, this is good, but can we make sure there's a little bit of Whitey-stealing-from-POC in this discussion of music in SoA?"
7.) Jesse James
The Ford GT is one of the most beloved cars around these parts, so we don't take kindly to people crashing them. That's why Jesse James of West Coast Choppers infamy has earned his spot here on this list.